Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Horror Movies I watched part II


In 1997, I moved into a new house and I had cable TV and I was able to watch some scary movies like Kiss of the Vampire, Frankenstein, and more. 

Movies I watched in 1997 -1999

Kiss of the Vampire

This was the first vampire movie I watched on Cable TV.  I was interested in seeing this movie because the poster looked very interesting.  I found out about this title when I found a picture of the poster in a book called "Essential Dracula" by Clare Haworth-Maden. 

Vampire Circus, 1972

This is another movie I was interested after reading the "Essential Dracula" book.  The book featured a gory scene from this movie and when I saw the title listed in the TV Guide, I wanted to watch it.  This movie is about a travelling circus with vampires.

Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed, 1969


I watched this movie when I found the movie listed in the TV guide.  I stayed up until midnight to watch it.  I found out about the title whan I read a book called "Horror Movies, the Movie Treasury" by Allen G Frank.

Dracula, 1979

I saw this movie when I found this movie to be listed for the Space channel midnight horror movie.  I stayed up to watch it.  I watched it a few times when I saw it listed on the TV guide.  The first time I watched it, I got pretty tired and shut the movie off to get some sleep.  When I got the opportunity to see it again, I watched it.

Nightmare on Elm Street, 1984

This is the first 1980's horror flick I watched and I got pretty scared when I watched it the first time.  In 1999, I got an opportunity to see this movie on the Big Screen at Innisdale Secondary School's Little Theatre.  The movie was screened over two days which gives the viewers a break to reduce the Nightmare Factor at night.  There were a few disturbing moments like knife wounds suddenly appearing out of nowhere, Tongue popping out of an unplugged telephone, and a Fountain of Blood.  After watching this movie, I wanted to watch the rest of the series.  This movie's Major Fear Factor is a chance of Nightmares because the plot says Freddy attacks you in your dreams and encourages you to stay up all night and never fall asleep.

Whatever you do, Don't Fall Asleep.

Other Nightmare On Elm Street Movies I rented from Video 99 or Video Flicks

In 1999, after I watched the first Nightmare on Elm Street on the Big Screen at Innisdale Secondary School, I got interested in watching a few more Freddy Krueger movies.

Freddy's Revenge

In November, I watched the second installment of A Nightmare on Elm Street.  This movie is less scary than the first one.  I held a screening of this movie at my 17th birthday party in the garage at my house.

Dream Warriors

The Dream Warriors is the third installment of Nightmare on Elm Street.   I rented these movies in succession.  When I took back one movie, I got the next one in the series.  This movie is about the residents who lived on Elm Street, checking into a mental health centre in concern of their reoccurring nightmares.  They get together and take on Freddy Krueger.

The Dream Master

This is the fourth installment of Nightmare on Elm Street.  I watched this movie in November, 1999.  This movie has a few freak out moments like a shattering window transition and more.

Dream Child, It's a Boy!

This is the last Nightmare on Elm Street movie I rented from Video Flicks.  I got this movie and watched it the night before a school dance.  I freaked out when I saw the background turn into a freaky membrane tunnel.  I literally Jumped.

2000 and onwards

In 2000, The next series of horror movies I watched included Hellraiser and Friday the 13th, A New Beginning and Jason Takes Manhattan.  These movies were purchased from the Hock Shop in Barrie.  I have got a few VHS Tapes there.

Keep your Ears to the Tracks

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