Friday, December 10, 2010

The BMC Parking Lot

In 2001 - 2002, I was a parking lot attendant for the Barrie Molson Centre for the Colts games, Old Timer's Games, and Concerts. 

When I had this job, I wore an orange and yellow traffic vest and operated a walki.  Around the BMC, there are multiple gates where people can enter the lot and park.  There were rules how the cars are supposed to be parked.  There lots were titled as the East Lot, Near North Lot, and the North Lot.  Only pass holders may park in the East and the Near North Lot.  The numbered spaces on the south side of the building are for people who have purchesed a box seat for the season.  The Near North Lot is assigned for pass holders, special guests, etc.  The North lot is for standard ticket holders.

How Long was the Shift?

If the hockey game starts at 7:30 PM, the shift will commence at 5:30 PM.  This means that shift begins 2 hours prior to the event starts and ends at 10:00 - 10:30 PM.  An average shift is four hours of standing in the cold.

Did I get to watch the Hockey game or concert once the cars are parked.?

No!  After First Intermission in a Hockey Game, people will take turns in walking the North Lot ensuring that nobody is causing trouble or breaking into cars.  When I was not walking in the North Lot, I would have to stand out in the cold at my assigned gate until the shift concludes.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Larry's Prison

The Plaza
The Innisfil Town Centre

Between 1997 - 2001, I used to work for Larry.  Larry owned a shopping centre in Alcona, Ontario.  This was my first job I ever had.  My Job details included sweeping up sidewalks, picking up scraps, and hauling garbage bags to the dumpster.  Occasionally, Larry would give me odd jobs to do around the plaza and the Bar for extra money.

1997 - 1998

In 1997, I was given this job for a short period of time between December 1997 - January 1998 tidying up the plaza on alternating days.  I would get paid $100.00 for one month's worth of work.

Job Rundown

I would pick up scraps around the plaza sidewalks and tidy up the Green Machine Room.  On Wedensdays, I would sweep up the sidewalks.  On Saturdays, I will do the rouitine plaza pick-up and than I would sweep and wash the apartment corridor and stairways.  In February, 1998, The job was handed to someone who lived in an apartment for awhile. 

2000 - 2001.

In March 2000, Larry gave me this job back and I had full responsiblity of keeping the plaza tidy.  I did the same jobs as I did in 1997.  Larry did not have me to the apartment corridor anymore.  During this time period I swept the sidewalks on Sundays and Wedensdays.  In the winter, I shovel and salt the sidewalks around the building. 


Extras are random jobs that Larry would throw at me and I will get paid extra for it.  Extras included mowing the lawns, helping Larry around the plaza, and vacuuming the pool hall.  When I complete my extras, I would have to log down my hours and tasks.

The Sign

Every Sunday, I would go out with a drill gun and a cup of screws to change letters on a portable sign.  When Larry changes the sign, he just grabs letters regardless of colour.  When I change the letters on the sign, I like to keep each section of the sign the same colour.

This sign reads like this:

Bedrock Presents

Fri & Sat

Ian Mitchel

Each weekend a new band plays at the Bedrock Tap and Grill.  They include, Ian Mitchell, Eric Kidd and Co, Bent, and the House Band known as the Bedrockers.  I got $5.00 for completing this task.

Larry's House

Larry's House in Stroud, 2007

I had been to Larry's House to do some random tasks like sweeping the garage, mowing the lawn, and stripping paint off a boat.  I was at Larry's house four times in 2000. 

The first time I was at Larry's house doing work, I wanted to go the the Roxx Nightclub for a night of dancing.  On that day, Larry's friend picked me up from my father's friend's house and drove me up to Larry's house.  Througout the day, Larry had me doing random tasks around the garage.

In May, 2000 Larry picked me up and took me to his house and the first task was cutting the lawn in the backyard.  Lary had me cut the lawn by starting at the outside and working in a circle until I am in the centre of the lawn.  If I missed a spot on the lawn, I would have to re-mow that section of the lawn.  Other random tasks included power washing the sidewalk and sweeping dirt. 

In September, 2000, I was at working at Larry's house two days in a row.  Over the two days, I cut the lawn, did random tasks in the garage, sweep and shovel dirt, and strip paint in a boat.  I did not know that I was going to be working at Larry's house until I got a surprise phone call from Larry around 10:30 - 11:00 AM.

Why did I Call working for Larry, Larry's Prison?

When I did extras, I did not know how long Larry will keep me working there longer than I expected.  Some occasions, I did not get home until 9:30 - 10:00 PM.  I was quite worried that Larry would have me working until midnight or later.  Sometimes Larry would call me back to the plaza while I am on my way home to a last-minute extra.  When Larry needs me to do a few odd jobs, he will say that it will take an hour and it takes longer than I expected.

I did get out of the Floor Stripping job in September 2000.  Larry told me about the extra and I was would get paid extra for it.  While I was working at Larry's house, Larry was in conversation with another employee also working at the house about the Floor Stripping.  Larry was going to have me help strip the hardwood floor in the bar after the bar closed on a Sunday night.  I heard that it was going to be a late night job and I wanted to skip it. 

I got out of this extra because Barbara did not come home after working the bar.  I was relieved that she did not come home to bug me everyday. Once Barbara was out of the house,  I took a few extra courses at Innisdale High School and did my regular plaza chores afterwards.  When I was taking the bus to the plaza, I passed Larry's house and I got a chance to see if the Black Box (Larry's Ford Pick-Up) was in the driveway or not.  It the Black Box was in the Driveway, I did not have to worry about Larry throwing a random job at me. 

If Larry was at the plaza, the Black Box would park in the spot in front of the laundromat beside the Pizza Pizza.

I left this job in May 2001 because of a surprise move out of Alcona.  Once I left Alcona, I am no longer in Larry's Reins of random Jobs.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Past On Stage Theatre Productions

Why did I get involved with On Stage Theatre?

In 2007, after watching Evil Dead the Musical six times.  I wanted to get involved with a local theatre company in Barrie.  I was surfing around the web and I stumbled across the On Stage Performance Group's page.  I thought about it over a little while and I decided to call the number and leave a message.  When I got a phone call back, I got my first auditon.  After completing this audition, I got an invite to the first script read through and I was given the part as a Footman.

Cinderella, Dec, 2007

This was my first full production I was in with a community theatre.  In this play, I had two parts.  In the first act, I was a horse of the Fairy Godmother pulling the Royal Coach that Cindrella to the Royal Ball.  In Act 2, I was Prince Charming's Footmen.  I got to dance the night away at the Royal Ball and than I found out that Cinderlla lost her slipper.

Aladdin, Dec, 2008

In December, 2008, I got a part as an executioner and a Mummy in the Great Pyramid of Egypt.  As the Executioner,  I only had a few lines to say.  During the Executon, Abanazer casts a spell halting Aladdin's execution.

As the Mummy of the Great Pyramid, I layed down on the stage.

Music, Music, Music, March, 2010

In 2010, I got offered a part as Al Shendberg.  Al was the assistant director for the Wizard of OZ.  I came into the filming studio and Victor was mad because Judy Garland was not on set on time.  I had to tell Victor that Judy was in her dressing room with her mother.  Judy was upset becase the head of the studio told her that she was "Too Fat!"  When Judy enters the studio, Judy asks for a glass of water and Victor sends me off to get her a drink.  After she finishes her drink, I called everyone to be quiet and Judy sings her famous song Over the Rainbow

Christmas Cafe', Dec, 2010

This is the fourth production I was involved in.  I had two parts in this show.  My first part was Officer John.  I went to the cafe to grab a midnight donut.  When I got in the door, I discovered Clara and Fritz running around causing a big racket.  I decided to take them to the station and call their parents.  When I called their parents, they were very upset because Clara and Fritz left the house in the middle of the night. 

My second part was Christmas Yet to Come (Future).  I followed Christmas Past and Present into the wrong century and scared a family of three.  The father said that they were living in a Gold Mine and decied to call the Paranormal Investigators.  Tiny Tim was a football player who dropped out of practice.  His coach stormed into the cafe angry because he broke his contract.  Christmas Past gets up and sends everyone back to the right century.


I really like being involved with On Stage Theatre because they are a great group to perform with.  The auditions are not competitve and anyone who auditions will get a part according to their ability.  I Look Forward to being involved with upcoming productions that On Stage theatre has.