Friday, February 25, 2011

Surfing Games update, March 14, 2011

If you have been reading about Surfing Games,  Here is an update and some more great surfing game you can play.

The 3 Cash Machine is saying Good Bye on St Patrick's Day,  Please check out The Internet Money Report.

Make Money Online - Money Making Reviews

This is a Promote the world Game.  The object is to promote this site and get your friends to sign up.

Getting Started

1. Sign up to Click Bank

2. Fill out the fields and choose a nick name

3. Submit your nickname under the affilate page and

4. Promote your personal Money Report Page

5.  If you have the money to dish out, Upgrade to premimum

6. Feel free to watch the Training Videos provided 

Coin Grabbers is another simple Surfing Game you can play.

Game Play

The Surfer is simple.  You will see two sites on one page at the same time.  When the timer reaches Zero, you must vote on the best page out of the two. During the game you can win Gold, Red, or Green Coins.  Collect 100 Red Coins to send a Promo E-mail to all the players on Coin Grabbers.  Green Coins are worth 1 penny each and they can be cashed out or used towards traffic.  After collecting enough gold coins, you can promote your favorite sites.  As a free member you can only post 2 sites at a time.

Check out these surfing games below

Easy Hits 4 U, Click Voyager, I love

Free Money Making Info

Survey Scout

Boomer's Income

Free Money Making Website

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Would you like to go to Disney World For Free Part IV

If you thought the Disney Look was tough to abide by.  If you are living any of Disney's apartments, there are more strict rules to abide by.

Living at Disney World

Apartment Inspections

If you are living in a Disney Apartment, Property Management will inspect the apartment on a monthly basis.  They will look at everything in the unit.  You must keep the entire unit Spic and Span in order to get the White Glove.  The White Glove is a reward for a clean apartment.  If you pass your inspections, Property Management will reward you with a treat.  If you fail you inspection, every tenant in the unit will pay a 25.00 fine that goes towards hiring a cleaning person to clean the apartment.  A fail is considered if the apartment is totally unkempt.  Sometimes Property Management may randomly choose a complex and do a Surprise Inspection while everyone is at work for the day.  These inspections will catch people off guard if the unit is not clean.

How to Pass?

All beds are made

Microwave, stove top, oven, counters clean and garbage taken outside daily.

The floors swept, rugs vacuumed, and furniture dusted.

The Goal is to keep everything neat and tidy.

Is it a Good Idea to party all night at a Disney Apartment all Night?

Guests in other Buildings

It is a bad idea to party at any Disney owned apartment because they have a curfew that you must abide by.   You are free to visit any apartment building during the daytime anytime until 9:00 PM.  If you are visitng a complex after 9:00 PM you must be signed in and out.  Every tenant is only permitted to have three guests in the building between 9:00 PM - 1:00 AM.  All guests from other buildings must vacate and return home at 1:00 AM or sooner.  If Security catches any visitors in the complex after 1:00 AM your job at Disney World could be put at risk.  Every resident who lives in the complex must carry their housing ID at all times.

Underage Drinking

If you are underage and attending The Disney College Program, you job will be terminated very quick if you drink alcohol underage.  All underage students will be housed in a Wellness Apartment.  A Wellness Apartment is an alcohol free apartment for people who do not consume alcohol or underage.  If alocholic beverages are found in a Wellness Apartment in a common area, all the tenants are sent home quickly.  Underage Drinking is Strongly discouraged during your Disney College Semester


If you are caught with drugs in your unit, you could lose that dream job very quick.  A loss of job can happen even if you not at fault.  Zero Tolerance for Drugs and Underage Drinking.

The Disney Point

Why do Disney Cast Members have a special Point?

You will learn the Disney Point at your Traditions Workshop.  The Disney Point is a two-fingered point.  The Single Finger point is considered a rude gesture according to Disney World.

The Demerit Point System

As a Disney College Program Cast Member, you will get Demerit Points if you break the simple rules.  If you accumulate enough Demerit Points, your time at Disney is finished.

Point Distribution

1/2 point is awarded for arriving at work late

1 point is awarded for arriving at work 2 hours late or later or Calling in Sick / Personal.  You will get penalized for those sick or mental health days.  Do not think about visiting a park on if you take a Mental Health Day.

Points are awarded for various mistakes you make at work like mishandling cash, inappropriate language, unsafe conduct, etc.

The Reprimands

3 Points = 1 Reprimand within 30 days
3.5 points = 1 Reprimand and an extra Demerit Point within 30 Days
6 Points = 1 Reprimand within 60 days
9 Points = 1 Reprimand within 90 days

If you accumulate enough Reprimands, you time at Disney is over.  You could get termed in seconds if you use your discount cards or visit a park on your sick day / mental health days.

Wrap Up

There are a whole bunch of rules to abide by when you take the Disney College Program.  If you decide to take the program, it is advised that you do not party the night away because of the long days when you are working.  If you are thinking of doing the Disney College Program, please review the Disney Look and the guidelines prior to application.


Corinne's Professional Internship, 2010, Hours/Points/Reprimands,

Would you Like to Go to Disney World For Free Part III

If you have been accepted into the Disney College Program, you must adbide by a strict guideline of rules and regulations. These rules are almost like being in the Military.  If you break one of these rules you could get a warning or Termed.

The Disney Look

If you are working for Disney, you must dress and groom according to the Disney Look.  These rules indicate how you shall style your hair and what is not acceptable.  Disney made these rules in order that you can look approachable and not be distractiong to the Show.  Here is a quick rundown of some of the rules you must follow.

All Cast Members

All Cast members must demonstrate and look professional while working at Disney World.  If you are not costumed, you must wear business attire including Button-up shirts and slacks.  Denim or jeans are not permitted.  While you are on Disney property, you must keep your Company ID on you all the time.  You are permitted to wear it on a black lanyard without marking. 

Personal Hygene is a must when working in a hot envornment.  Showering and deodorant is a must because you do not want to smell and scare off the guests.

Male Cast Members

Males are permitted to have a fully grown mustache when they start working.  Mustaches must look neat and tidy as according to the picture below.  Theu cannot extend beyond or below the corners of the mouth.

The following mustaches are examples that do not meet The Disney Look.  These mustaches are not permitted because they are unkemp, bushy, or too long.

A full grown Beard is not permitted while you are working at Disney World.  If you are wearing a Mustache to Disney, Please consult your team leader when you arrive.

Males must wear their hair with a presentable look.  You cannot let your hair grow beyond the collar line and your sideburns must be neatly Trimmed.  The following hairstyles are permitted.  If you love drealocks, they must be braided to the scalp in straight rows.

Your hair colour must be a natural look.  It's a bad idea to take your hair colours to the extreme.  If you dye your hair with weird colours you could not lose your job in Seconds!

The Following Styles are not permitted for Men

This guy is wearing his hair out beyond the ears and his mustache is grown beyond the corner of the mouth. 

This Hairstyle features a tattoo on a shaved head.  Shaving your head is totally not permitted if you are a Disney Castmember. 

Woman's Looks

Women must adhere to the Disney look too.  Finger nails must be a neutural colour like a deep or rich shades of polish.  Gold, Black and weird colours will send you packing. 

Women may style hair in a classic or easy to maintain style. Hair products are permitted if your hair is a neutural look.  Make up must be a natural look too.

The Following Haristyles do not meet The Disney Look.

The hair colour on this lady's head does not meet the Disney Look at all. The extentions look like plastic tubes and unnatural colours.  The eye shadow is too dark.

Continue Reading about Living at Disney World


Disney College Program, The Disney Look, All Cast Members,

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Clicking Game Update

I have been playing my favourite clicking games since 2009. 

The Goal

I want to collect some extra money to go to Walt Disney World in the future.  I would love to go to this expensive place because I never had an opportunity to go with my grandfather because of insufficient funds and health issues.  The trip nowadays will cost up to 5,000 grand.  If you like to help me get closer to Disney World, you can click on the title of the Clicking Game and sign up and start Clicking.

Clicking Games that are still Open

This is a great clicking game because you can rent referrals to improve your game.  I have won 3.00 on this game in December, 2010. 


Everyday, you will have four $0.001 clicks to click and obtain $0.004 per day minimum. Occasionally, there may be mini exposures that are worth $.005 and micro Exposures that are worth $0.001.  If you get these bonuses, click them quickly before someone else beats you to the site. Very rarly, there is an extended exposure click that is worth $0.015,  If you get an extended exposure during gameplay, click it quickly before someone beats you to it.

As of March 13, 2011, The $0.01 ads (fixed ads) have been reduced to $0.001.  This is some sad news for the players of Neobux.  This means it will take longer to play this clicking game

Referral Rental is worth looking into while playing this clicking game.  If you rent 3 referrals for one month, you could win bonuses if they click.  In order to win your bonuses, you must click on all four 0.01 clicks. 
Referral Rental Packs

3 Referrals = $0.66

5 Referrals = 1.10

The More Referrals you rent will increase you bonus if they click everyday.

Pay Out

The Minimum Cash-Out for Round 1 is 2.00.  The Cash out Minimum increases at Round 2 and 3. 

June 6, Update

I stopped playing this clicking game because the each ad I click on is worth 0.001 cents.  It will take too long to play this one by myself.


Clicking Games that shut down

I have not played any clicking games for a few years.  Many clicking games that you may remember may no longer exist. 


Logi PTC Login,  LogiPTC has shut down


I have won 10.00 at Logiptc again in February, 2011.  This is one of my favorite clicking games because I have got a large amount of money while playing.  This game has its good times and its bad times.  While playing this game, it's totally luck of the Draw because there may not be as many clicks one day to another.


The Gameplay is a simple.  Beside each link there are instructions to follow.  If it's a $0.01 click, you must click on an advertisement within the site that you are looking at.  If it's a $0.005 click, you must leave the web page open for 10 seconds.  Click on the sites quickly before someone else beats you to the pages.

If you fail to comply with the game rules, you will get a warning.  If you get too many warnings, your account will be deleted.  If the page does not load, 404 Error, or someone beats you to the page, you can close the page and receive no warning.  The Instruction Detection system may issue the warning within 15-60 minutes after committing an infraction while playing. 

June 6, Update.

I rarly play this clicking game due to lack of ads to click on.

January, 28, 2025 Update.

This game has shut down

Schnaap Kicks

I started playing Schnaap Klicks in November 2010. This is a great clicking game because there are a few ads to click on when you log in.  I have some good days where I can get up to five to eight clicks per day or as little as two clicks per day.


This clicking game is similar to NEOBUX.  At the beginning of the game, you must click on the Admin ad for 20 seconds and click on the matching number.  Once you Viewed the Admin Ad, all the other ads will be unlocked.  Most clicks are worth $0.01.  Once the ad is fully loaded, you must wait 20 seconds and click on the matching number to get paid your penny.  Play frequently in case a $0.05 click appears.

Like in Neo Bux, This game offers Referral Rental packages. Renting Referrals may improve your clicking income and increase the fun of playing. 

Referral Rental Packs

5 Referrals = 0.75

10 Referrals = 1.50

25 Referrals = 3.75

March 23, 2011 Update

Schnaap Klicks is no longer accepting payments or deposits into pay pal accounts due to Fraud.  Players are advised to sign up for an Alert Pay account for your clicking game pleasure

June 6, 2011 Update

I have stopped playing this clicking game since the summer of 2011.  Lack of ads to click on.

January 28, Update

The site no longer exists. 

Clix Sense

This is another good clicking game to play on the occasion because it's a very slow earner.  As a free member you will get 1 - 3 clicks every few days.  Take your time and play this one patiently.

Game Play

This gameplay is simple,  Click on one link view its contents for 30 seconds before opening another.  Clixsense has added 3 second adverts.  If you view a 3 second ad, you will win $0.001

There is also a Clicking Grid where you click anywhere on the grid and view random websites.  If you play it, you could win cash up to $5.00.  You must view each site for 10 seconds to validate your click on the grid to  win.

Update:  Clixsense has shut down in 2017.

Trek Pay

Trek Pay was one my favourite clicking games in 2009.  I like to refer Trek Pay as Star Trek because I though about the TV series when I stumbled upon it in Traffic Now Fire.  I started playing this game in October, 2009 and I won $5.50 on January 6, 2010.

As of December, 2010, Trek Pay is no longer paying to Pay pal.  On the other hand, Trek Pay has been moved to the Scam List on the PTC Investigation. If you favorite Clicking Game is moved to the Scam list, it is advised to find a new clicking game that is legit and paying. 


Yuwie is another one of my favorite clicking games.  The Object of Yuwie is to sign up and get a bunch of your friends to sign up under your referral link.  I have been playing Yuwie and I only won a few pennies so far


Yuwie is a social network that pays it's users for browsing, blogging, and adding friends.  The Goal of the game is to collect enough money and cash out. 

June 6 2012 Update,

Yuwie now closed and up for sale you can purchase the domain for 15,000 US dollars.

Getting Referrals in your Clicking Games.

You can play a surfing game like Sweeva, Easy Hits 4 U, Surf Vo, Click Voyager, in order to to collect points.  There are many other Surfing Games to play.  Some of them may give you bonuses and commissions if your referrals sign up for premium accounts.

Happy Clicking and I will be off to the Magical Place on Earth As Soon As I know It.

Good Luck in Earning Money online

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Would you like to Go to Disney World For Free Part II

If you have been reading about the Disney College Program and you are interested in going.  You must be a college student taking a course in order to claim your free admission to WDW parks.

The Traditions Workshop

After you are fully moved in to your apartment, you may have a free day to relax before you go to Traditions to relax.  On the morning of the Traditions Workshop, you will board a bus that will take you to the Walt Disney University, located at the back of Magic Kingdom Park either early in the morning.  If you are lucky, you may get to take the afternoon session because you can sleep in.


When you arrive at WDU, you will be divided into groups and ushered to a table to get your Disney ID that grants free admission into the parks.  Once you get that, you can punch in and than you are ushered into the presentation room.  Before you enter the presentation room, there is a person with a clip board who will make sure your name, city, college info is correct.  This info will be engraved on your Name Tag.  Inside the presentation room, you will be seated at circular tables with five other people and the 4-5 hour presentation is underway. 

Part 1

When the presentation begins, you will watch a bunch of vintage videos about the history and future of Disneyland and Disney World.  There are some fun interactive games to play during the presentation where you could win some figurines.  You will learn the Disney Two-Finger-Point because the one finger point is claimed to be rude according to the Disney Ethic. 

Part II The Magic Kingdom Underground / Backstage

After listening to some of the boring stuff, you will board a bus to the Magic Kingdom Underground (utilidors) for some excitement of behind the scenes of Disney.  Note, Photography is not permitted during this tour because it could spoil the magic to the guests who may want to visit Disney.  During this tour you will see the Cast Member's Mess Hall and Costuming.  You get to learn some utilidor Safe-D (safety) like "Stop at all intersections".  Following the Magic Kingdom Underground tour, you will get on the bus back to WDU for the third part of the presentation.

Part III Mickey Mouse and Name Tag Giveaway

When you get back from the Magic Kingdom Underground, you will start the final part of the presentation.  This is the Moment that everyone is Looking forward for.  Mickey Mouse will be present for this portion of the Presentation for some more trivia.  Last but not Least, Mickey Mouse will bring in a box with everyone's Name Tags.  Once everyone gets their name tags, you will put it on your left side on your most outer garment.  Upon closing of the presentation, you can clock out and board a bus back to your apartment.

Post Traditions

When you get back to your apartment following the Traditions Workshop, you may have a few days to relax, and explore the parks.  If you visit a park and your ID is not active, you can tell a cast member that you just attended the Traditions Workshop and they will let you in.

Continue reading about the Disney Look 


Magik Mouse ,Disney College Program,

Disney Daily: Day 3,

Would you like to Go to Disney World For Free

If you loved reading my previous freebie pages.  This is the one for you.

If you already got your free choclate bar from the Mr Big Church (Big Church) and claimed your free hotel room when you signed up for the US Military and not got accepted due to breaking the rules or not meeting their standards at MEPS.  This is the magical opportunity to go and experience working at Disney World.

How to Claim your trip to Disney

1.  If you are college student and you are interested in going to Disney Log on to the Disney College Program Website.

2. Attend a Campus Presentation at your local college campus.  If there is no presentations scheduled in your area, view the on-line presentation

3.  After viewing the Presentation, you must complete your application and Role Checklist. 

Once you have viewed the presentation, you will receive an access code to start the Web Bases Interview.  Depending on the results of your Web Based Interview, you will get a telephone interview.

Telephone Interview Prep.

When your Telephone Interview has been scheduled, make sure your are on a landline.  Sometimes your call display may screen the caller as an unknown number/private number and you should pick up the phone and the interview is underway.  This interview will hone on your telephone communication skills before you are accepted into the program.

Familiarize yourself with the Roles that Disney offers in their program. Roles include Attractions, Bell Service / Dispach, Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Hostess, Character Attendant, Concierge, Costuming, Custodial, Full Service Food and Beverage, Quick Service Food and Beverage, Hopper, Hospitality, Housekeeping, Lifeguard, Main Enterance Operation, Merchandise, Photo Pass Photographer, Recreation, Transportation, and Vacation Planner.

Be prepared to discuss your personal background and general interests, specific working locations, past employment history, and make a list of general questions.

During the Interview

Please smile and take your time answering the questions over the phone. If you need to take any notes, have a pen and paper with you.

Upon Acceptance

If you got accepted into the College Program, you will get whisked to Orlando Florida for the Long Grueling In-Take Process.

Pre Departure

Do not forget to review the Disney Look page.  The Disney Look is a strict guideline of rules of how you should present yourself when you start working at Disney World. 

You should bring plenty of coat hangers, personal hygiene items, Toilet Paper (The apartment does not provide Toilet Paper), business attire for attending workshops, casual attire, bedding, coffee maker, basic kitchen supplies, Internet Router, and a laptop computer.

Move In Day (You are living In Disney World)

On Move In Day, the gates to the apartments will not open until 9:00 AM.  Upon Arrival, it's waiting in long queues and filling out paperwork.  After filling out paperwork, you will get your housing ID picture taken.  Once you got your housing ID taken.

After checking into your apartment, it's time to board a bus to Casting.  At Casting, this is the moment you will find out what area of the World you will be working at and complete more paperwork.  Don't forget to adhere to the Disney Look when you arrive at Disney World because there is an initial inspection at Casting.

Following your trip to Casting, you will return to your apartment to relax before a 2-hour Housing workshop that will discuss the rules and regulations of the apartment and facilities.  Once the Move-In Process is complete, you are free to relax or explore the parks and have a good time before the work begins.


Disney College Program, How to apply,

Holly's WDW CP Blog,

Magik Mouse, Disney College Program Blog,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More Rip Offs in Mass Consuming

Tourist Traps

What is a Tourist Trap?

A Tourist Trap is a bunch of silly tourist attractions and gift shops that overcharge for admission or junk.  The most common tourist trap is Clifton Hill, Niagara Falls, Ontario.  This tourist Trap features rides, attractions and haunted houses with high prices.  If you are a fan of Screamers or Nightmares, be sure to bring extra cash to spend for your admissions

Admission for Nightmares Fear Factory

Adult 17.70 online and at the Door

Kids 12 and under 15.49 online and at the door

Click here to purchase your Nightmares Fear Factory Tickets

If you thought these prices are over the Roof.  Check out a restaurant or a gift shop.

Theme Park Rip Offs

If you decide to visit a theme park in the USA like Disney World or Universal, Orlando, expect elevated prices of food, drink and gifts. Do not forget the high admission for a single day passport to your favourite parks.

Why do theme parks have elevated prices.

There is nowhere else to buy these unique gifts and souvenirs.  People are willing to spend their money.

If you decide to visit a theme park, save enough cash that you are willing to spend at the park.

Canada's Wonderland Admissions of 1980's (Pre Paramount)

1984 - $15.84

1986 - $16.95

1987 - $17.95

1989 - $21.95

1990 - 1993 Estimated $21.95 - $25.00

Paramount Years

1994 - 2000 Estimated $30 - $45 Per person, In 1994, Canada's Wonderland was bought by Paramount Pictures.  In 1995, a single admission ticket was 34.00.  This was the steepest increase of the 1990's in Wonderland History

2000 - Onward.  The Admission prices have been creeping up every year.

In 2006, Cedar Fair announced that they want to take over the park and the transition took place in 2007.   The movie based rides were re-named because Cedar Fair does not own the rights to them.  Many people who go will refer the rides by their original names.

Source of admission Prices

PCW Junkies,, Feb 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rip Offs in Mass Consuming

What is a Rip Off?

A rip off is a product with an elevated Mark-Up Price.  Many consumers do not like to purchase products at Mark-Up Prices.

Common Mark-Up Priced Items

Bottled Water

Bottled water is a major money maker in bars, theme parks, concerts, and sporting events.  Many places where bottled water is a rip off, outside food and drink is not permitted in the venue.

Bottled Water Prices

Base Prices

$1.25 - $1.50 for a 500 ml bottle

Elevated Prices

$2.00 - 2.50 at many pop machines in high traffic areas. 

Rip-off Prices

$3.00 or higher.  Many places like sporting events, movie theatres, high traffic bars and clubs may charge 3.00 or more.  Many people who patronize these places are willing to pay.

Why should I not purchase bottled water?

Many water botteling companies support the Junk Food Industry like Pepsi and Coca Cola.  If you purchase bottled water, do not forget to put the empty into the recycle bin.  There are toxins inside the plastic that will get into the contents of the bottle and you will get very sick.  Many people do not think and toss the plastic into the garbage and it fills up the land fill site and takes a long time to break down.

Food Rip-Offs

At many sporting events, theme parks, and music concerts, there are many food vendors that like to sell junk food like hot dogs, burgers, fries, and other greasy garbage.  These food vendors are the only source of food and drink in the venue and you are forced to shell out the money.

Pizza Pizza Rip Off

Pizza Pizza outlets at theme parks and sporting events like to charge more and give you a smaller slice of pizza.  Many consumers do not realize that the slice is a centemeter smaller than a slice you get at a Pizza Pizza store.  Many of these outlets may not sell you combos like at their stores.

Movie Theatre Rip offs

Many movie theatres like Cineplex or AMC theatres love to overcharge for popcorn and drinks.  If you  purchase a popcorn and a large drink, they could get away with charging you $10.00 -14.00.  The main rule about movie theatres is that outside food and drink is not permitted inside the theatre because the snack bar wants to make money.

Some theatres may have a fast food outlet and a yogurt stand too with high prices and small treats.  Don't Forget to play the Arcade with game that charge $1.00 to play Crusing World.  To get a free race in a racing game, you must come in 1st place.

Arcade Rip Offs

When the video games came out.  The classic video games like Pac Man, Mario Brothers, Chase HQ, etc all cost 25 cents to play one game.  As the games evolved from the 8 bit era to the 32 bit era, games like NBA Jam, Area 51, Maximum Force and many pinball machines charged 50 cents for a game.  Many of the newer games like racing, shooting, skiing, skateboarding, and virtual reality games may charge 1.00.  Some places the game price may increased to 2.00 per play in high traffic arcades.

Prize Redemption Games

There are prize games in arcades, truck stops, and shopping malls that have great prizes to attract a customer to play.  The flashing lights and sounds entice the player to drop a buck for one attempt to win an I-Pod or a Nintendo Wii.  There are many differnt style of prize rendeption games like the Claw Game and DVD Carasoul.  These games are rigged and they may not award a prize.

Stackers is the most common game that cheats.  This game is programed to cheat the player by skipping the winning column as the player hits the stop button.  The game is also programed to not award major prizes after every 800 - 1000 games.  Sometimes the owner of the game cabinet may get a chip that may reduce the odds of winning to 1000 - 2000 games played.  Don't forget the skill is needed to stack the blocks to the top two rows of the cabinet.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sin Tent

What was Sin Tent?
This is a similar tent I saw in Innisfil Beach Park in 1997, Tent Revival USA

Sin Tent was a name I made up for a church that had a summer congregation under a party/wedding tent in Innisfil Beach Park.

Where Was Sin Tent?

In August 1997, I moved to Alcona Beach and I was walking through Innisfil Beach Park and I stumbled upon a large wedding tent that housed a church.  This tent was located in the west end of the park beside the soccer fields and a playground.  I did do not know what denomination it was.  All I figured it was a church that met under this tent. 

A week later, someone approached me at the end of my driveway and he invited me to attend a service in the tent at 7:30 PM.
Why Sin Tent?

The man who invited me to this tent church service told me about SIN and why it was important to attend.  I did not attend the Sin Tent and I stayed home.  After the fact, I guessed that this congregation that met under the tent was a Jehovah's Witness or some other fundamentalist church.

That is all I recall?


Photo Refrence

Revival Tent, Tent Revial USA Facebook,