Friday, September 28, 2012

Silly Pictures Series 2

Silly Pictures Page 2

September, 1993, It was the first day of school in Grade V.  I took out a blank piece of paper and started to draw a bunch of random silly pictures that depict events from the video games I played.  I also drawn pictures related to automatic car washes.

The sketches are re-imagined from the original sketches I drawn at school.

The Wigglers

The Wigglers is the first thing you see as you approach the car wash tunnel.  They can be very scary and strange to drive into if it's your first trip to the car wash..  The Wigglers are also known as Flappers.  The real term is the Mitter Curtain.  When I was a child, I also called the wigglers a curtain because they remind me of window curtains.
The Umper
The Umper is a dryer in a car wash.  This dryer dries the car with heat lamps.  The first car wash I visited had a dryer like this was the Parkway Car Wash on Sheppard Ave.  This dryer can be scary because of the sounds it makes.  It makes an Ump sound as the lights flicker on and off.

The Hair Dryer

The Hair Dryer is the typical vaccuum dryer you see in car wahes of the the 1980's and beynd.  This dryer will roll up the windshield and suck the water off your car.  I drawn this picture in inspiration after my grandfather took me through the Canadian Tire Car Wash at 2370 Finch Avenue West in North York

A Door in City Hall (Robo Cop NES)

This is a door in City Hall.  I borrowed Robo Cop for the NES over the summer of 1993 from a class mate.  City Hall is the second level in Robo Cop for the NES.

Later in the 1993 - 1994 School year I have drawn other silly pictures like the Electric Cross and other weird crucifixion pictures on the back cover of my writing book.

Keep your ears to the tracks for more silly pictures.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Silly Pictures, Series 1

What was a "Silly Picture"

In 1993, I was sitting in class and a thought came though my head and I drawn it on a cardboard pencil box.  Some pictures were considered disturbing and inappropriate for a grade IV class.

The pictures were originally doodles and I used Leonardo AI Image Generator to make the re

Under The Knife
Under The Knife was my first silly picture I have drawn.  The idea came from a category in the "$100,000 Pyramid" game show.  When I thought of Under The Knife came into my head in Grade IV, I drawn this picture below.  I thought it may mean a person is on a table under a giant knife.  The term means you are undergoing surgery.



This was the second picture I drawn on my pencil case in Grade IV.  I got the idea of this picture from an episode of Danger Mouse.  I do not recall the episode title, one day I will find it.

The Electric Chair in the Air


The Electric Chair in the Air was created from a combination of two scenes from two seperate films.  The tall back Electric Chair was from "Ernest Goes to Jail".  The Chair was elevated came was a thought that came out of my head after watching "The Death of the Incredible Hulk".

 A week later the picture was destroyed by my teacher because I was sat and giggled at this picture.

The Finger Pointing



In October, 1993, I drawn another silly picture entitled "The Finger Pointing."  This picture depicts a person getting into trouble with his parents after doing something that was not acceptable.  The picture was drawn initially on an Evaluation Sheet upon conclusion of the "Weather Unit" in Grade V Environmental Studies class.

The Elevator Door and Slaxx (Interior)

This is a favourite Silly picture I drawn in my math workbook in Grade V.  I drawn this pictue when I heard the movie "The Mouse And the Motorcycle" playing in Mrs Pidgeon's classroom. I was inspired to draw this picture because I heard the music of my favourite scene when the mouse was riding around the hotel onboard a toy ambulance towards the elevator.

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for Silly Pictures Series 2.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Happy Birthday To the Mady Centre

Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday Dear Mady Centre For the Perfrming Arts
Happy Birthday To You!

September 10, 2012 has came and went.  Randomness-Phil likes to wish the Mady Centre a Happy First Birthday.  If you recall, I presented a slide show of my pictures of the construction of this new jewel in Barrie's Downtown.

This September At The Mady

Adrian Marchuk, September 20, 21, 22
For Details log onto

Still To Come at The Mady

Talk is Free Theatre Presents: Guys and Dolls, Nov 15 - 24, 2012

Onstage Performance Group Presents, Dracula: The Vampire Strikes Back, Nov 29 - Dec 2, 2012

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for more great info about what's happening at the Mady.  To purchase tickets log onto

Enjoy the Show!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

2 Pounds of Firm Red Tomatoes, I love My Job!

The Jacob Two-Two / Rob Ford Concidence

The Funny Hooded Fang, according to a child in the front row at a wrestling match.

On Augest 25, 2012, Jacob Two-Two has wraped up his performances singing his famous line Two Pounds of Firm Red Tomatoes. 

On September 5, 2012, The Front page of the Toronto Sun read "I love My Job."  When I saw the front page, I thought about Avi Petliar (Jacob Two-Two) singing his first song of the show.

Rob Ford is facing the same Fate as Jacob Two-Two because he had to face a judge on September 5, 2012.  It may be no laughing manner like Jacob Two-Two's Charge of Insulting Behaviour to a Big Person.  This court may toss Mayor Rob Ford out of Office. 

On Friday September 7, 2012, Rob Ford has invited the entire city to his back yard for his annual Ford Family Fest.  Rob Ford may be expecting 5,000 People in is Weston Road back yard.

Keep your ears to the tracks to the Rob Ford Case in the Toronto Sun, or Toronto Star

It's That Time Again!

It's now more than a week after Theatre by the Bay has wrapped up it's 11th season at the Mady Centre for the Performing Arts.  I would like to Play the Greatest Game I call "Guess the Show"

Which Shakespeare show will grace the Stage in Auguest 2013.

  • All's Well That Ends Well
  • As You Like It  Shown under the Tent in 2004
  • The Comedy of Errors Shown under the Tent in 2005
  • Love's Labour's Lost
  • Measure for Measure
  • The Merchant of Venice
  • The Merry Wives of Windsor Shown at the Mady Centre in 2012
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream Shown under the Tent in 2002
  • Much Ado About Nothing Shown at the Maclearn Art Centre in 2006
  • Pericles, Prince of Tyre *†
  • The Taming of the Shrew Shown at the Grand Theatre in 2010
  • The Tempest * Shown at the Georgian Theatre Starring Robert Joy in 2011
  • Twelfth Night  Shown at the Barrie Downtown Theatre (Mady Centre) in 2009
  • The Two Gentlemen of Verona
  • The Two Noble Kinsmen *†
  • The Winter's Tale *
  • Romeo and Juliet Shown under the Tent in 2003

  • If you like to make your guess, Submit your guesses in the Comments below and wait until Scott Hurst and the Board make their selection.

    Keep your ears to the Tracks at Theatre By The Bay dot Com for the 2013 Season.

    Tuesday, September 4, 2012

    Happy 5th Anniversary of my sixth viewing of Evil Dead

    September 4, 2012

    5 years ago today, I watched Evil Dead The Musical for the sixth time before the show closed for the Christmas Holidays.  In the Meantime, a silly show opened for only months known as JEWTOPIA in the Diesel Playhouse. 

    This is My Story:

    After I promoted Evil Dead the Musical to death, a friend at Cherry Beach offered me a pair of free tickets to the show before it closed on September 8, 2007.  I had the opportunity to take my friend Irving to the show.  For this viewing, I got my favorite seat in the house, SZ 2 A Seat 6.

    For this occasion, I wore my White Theatre by the Bay T-shirt to my first Free Viewing of Evil Dead the Musical.

    This is what the inside of the Diesel Playhouse looked like on that memorable night during intermission.

    My friend arrived at the show late because he had some work before and missed part of Act 1.  Latecomers were seated towards the back of the auditorium.

    This was the outcome after the show for the sixth time and Irving's first time.  Both of us wore white Theatre By the Bay T-shirts for this occasion.  I got Splattered good at this viewing.  Cheryl, the cellar girl splashed me good because I starred at her face during the Do the Necronomicon Number.

    A Splattered Deadite emerges from the Diesel Main Space.

    Please take a moment to remember Evil Dead the Musical and the Diesel Playhouse.

    Keep your ears to the tracks for more great posts.

    Saturday, September 1, 2012

    I hope you had a happy Theatre By the Bay Season

    September 1, 2012.

    Great Stories well Told was the number 1 Theatre By the Bay Seasons to remember.  If you dreamed The Impossible Dream, took a trip to Herne's Oak, and set the captives free at Slimer's Island Children's Prison you were at the right place this summer.

    Child Power Danced through the night and turned Wrong to Right all thanks to famed superheroes, Shapiro and O'Toole. 

    The Child Power Heroes captured the Sly One, Mr. Fox and located the Children's Prison on Slimer's Island.  The Crocs in the water surrounding the prison compound were poisoned and maked with giant letters spelling "CHILD POWER."  That was the signal to pull the plug on the Fog Machine.

    Jacob Two-Two wearing his golden cape and his Child Power T-shirt.  This was his reward for setting the captives free at Slimer's Island.  Fortunatly this was all a dream.

    Arti the Octopus released her first single "When Things Go Bump" and she was the inventer of Frankenstein.

    Director, Scott Hurst and some cast members of Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang.

    I will wish you a happy and safe Labour Day Weekend, Back to Ghoul (School) for the kiddies in grade K - 12, Frosh Week for the College and University students. 

    Keep your ears to the Tracks for more great posts in the future.