Saturday, April 17, 2010

More Blinking Red Lights Stories

More Stories of the Blinking Red Lights

October 1989

On this day, I had to take a day off school because I had the Chicken Pox.  My grandfather took me to a job site on Regional Road 15 in Halton Region. The gates were lowered and I thought a train was coming.  I sat there for a few minutes and than the gates were raised to let traffic through.  I think they were testing the gates.  After crossing the tracks I said Whee! as we descended the hill.

November, 1989

I was fascinated with trains, railway crossings, and the Blinking Red Lights.  I wanted a picture of the Blinking Red Lights so much, my teacher Mrs. Booth took a photograph of the Water Street level crossing.

Water Street Level Crossing

Back in the 80's, many freight trains used these tracks.  Today Mainly, Go Transit trains run along this rail line.


A Christmas Hut! in 1990

This picture of the Novelty Railroad Crossing sign is found at Rhode Island Novelty, Crossing Railroad Light,, Used on April, 17, 2010

In 1990, My grandfather gave me a Novelty Railroad Crossing Sign light.  This sign features gold letters on a black cross buck.  When I first initally saw this sign was in a small store in the Upper Canada Mall across from Zellers.  Another interesting item was a novelty Traffic Signal.  I was more intreigued with the railways and trains, my grandfather got me the Railroad Crossing light.  This light features a red and green light.  When you turn it on, after a minute or two the light show begins.  

The second gift I received for Christmas was a level crossing with working gates.  This is a unique level crossing because it was spring loaded.  When the model train adds weight to the crossing, the gates will drop and when the weight is released, the gates will spring up again.  That Christmas Day, I took the level crossing to my relative's place and it fell apart due to its fragility.

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