Monday, September 27, 2010

The Toys I played With

The Toys of my Childhood

In Preschool - Grade V, There were many interesting toys that I had played with at home and at school. I went to Blue Hills Academy for Pre School and saw a wide variety of toys to play with during free play.  Play time was a very important time in school for development.  I played with wooden trains, doll houses, and other toys that catch my fancy.

Pre School / Kindergarten

Wooden Trains
Wooden Train Set
The wooden train set was one of my favourite toys in Pre School and Kindergarten.  I loved to lay the track across the floor and play with the trains.  I have been fascinated with trains all my life.
In 1988, I got an award for creating the longest wooden railway with Brio track.  The train pieces were magnetic and the track pieces were jig saw cut.  There was another wooden train in my kindergarten class that I played with too.  That wooden train connectors were different to the one in the Pre school classroom

Fisher Price Play Family House

The Play Family house was one of the first toys I saw in the Pre School Classroom.  The facade of the house features stone, wood and stucco. 

Fisher Price Play Family Action Garage,

Fisher Price Action Garage, This Old Toy

I remember the day that I got the Action Garage at a garage sale in 1987.  The elevator had a bell that chimes when you turn the crank on the side of the elevator shaft.  The elevator will carry one car at a time.  When the elevator is at the top, the elevator floor will slant and send the car down the ramp.  I thought the ramp was a slide when I saw a car roll down.

Fisher Price Play Family Castle


The Little People Castle, This Old Toy

The Play Family Castle was one my favorite toys of Pre School.  The castle features a movable drawbridge and a curved staircase.  The figures featured includes a pink dragon, king, queen, and knights.

Fisher Price Play Family Village,

The Play Family Village features a Fire House, Police Station with a jail cell, Barber Shop and a phone booth.  I played with this toy in either in Pre School or Kindergarten.  

Fisher Price Children Hospital

I played with this toy at the Mt Albert Child Care Centre.  This toy features an elevator between the ground and the second floor.  I was fascinated with this toy because of the elevator and the sliding doors.

Fisher Price Play Family Westerm Town

Fisher Price Western Town, This Old Toy

This toy fascinated me because it had a moving walkway and a trap door.  This is the second toy with a trap door. 

I will be adding more toys on a new page.  Keep your ears to the Tracks.

Resource Section:

This Old Toy, Play Family House picture,

This Old Toy, Play Family Castle,

This Old Toy, Play Family Village,

This Old Toy, Childern's Hospital,

This Old Toy, Play Family Western Town,

This Old Toy, Play Family Action Garage,

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