Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tunnels I been through

Tunnels made my stomach Cringe when my grandfather mentioned the word back in 1990.  I was looking forward to that first trip to Myrtle Beach, SC.  I wanted to go to Myrtle Beach, SC because my school teacher went there every year.

Yorkdale Service Tunnel

In 1989, my Grandfather took me to Yorkdale on business.  During some spare time, he took me for a drive around the shopping centre and through the service tunnel.  While in the tunnel, I said "We will come to the other side" over and over until emerging into the west parking lot.  A few years later, my grandfather took me through the tunnel again.

East River Mountain Tunnel, I 77

Approach of East River Mountain Tunnel

In March, 1990, My Grandfather took me through the East River Mountain Tunnel en-route to Myrtle Beach SC.  This is the first tunnel through a mountain ever.  It was before dawn when I passed through the tunnel and I could not see anything. My Grandfather took a picture of the interior of the tunnel.  The lights inside the tunnel in 1990 were white fluorescent.  Freak Factor was minimal because of the brightness of the lights. 

Big Walker Mountain Tunnel, I77 Virginia

This is the second tunnel my Grandfather took me through en-route to Myrtle Beach.  When I passed through this tunnel, I could not see the faceade because it was before dawn.  When I see a picture of the facade of the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel, I think of  piano keys.  I nick name this tunnel the Piano Tunnel.

Allegheny Mountain Tunnel

This is the third tunnel my Grandfather took me through en-route home from Myrtle Beach SC.  My grandfather took a picture of the east portal of the tunnel in 1990.  In 1991 and 1993, my grandfather took me through this tunnel every trip to Myrtle Beach.  I passed through this tunnel five times.  This tunnel is located on I 70 / 76 east of Pittsburgh PA.

Underpass Tunnels, Detroit, MI

Underpass Tunnel on Michigan Route 10, Alps Roads

In 1990, My grandfather took me through two tunnels en-route to the Detroit / Windsor Tunnel.  These tunnels are located on Michigan Highway 10 (M-10).  The first tunnel was a curved tunnel under a city block and the second tunnel was beneath the Cobo Centre.  The Cobo Centre Tunnel had a freak factor because of the multiple amber lights on the wall as you approach the south portal.  These tunnels warm you up for the Detroit/ Windsor Tunnel.

Detroit / Windsor Tunnel, Windsor, ON

In 1990, My grandfather took me through the Detroit / Windsor Tunnel en-route home after a vacation in Kalamazoo MI.  The tunnel had amber lights and the freak factor was minimal because the shorter tunnels wamred you up before the long tunnel.  This tunnel spans underneath the St. Clair River.  On one occasion, I cringed when the traffic within the tunnel slowed down before emerging on the American side while en-route to Florida in 1992.

Underpass Tunnels on I 75, Atlanta, GA

In 1992, my Grandfather took me to Orlando, Florida to see Universal Studios.  En-route, I passed through a several short tunnels in Atlanta Georgia.  these tunnels featured amber lights and created a mild freak factor because I have never been there before.  You can find some pictures of the Atlanta Tunnels on here

Thorald Tunnel, St Cathrines, ON

In, 1995, My Grandfather took me on a special trip through the Thorald Tunnel while during a Niagara Falls trip.  When my Grandfather took me through this tunnel, the tunnel featured Amber Lights and white flourescent lights. 

In August 2005, At a Special Olympics Track Meet, I travelled through this tunnel four times between Brock University and the Track / Field Venue.  On that day, the highway was only reduced to one lane each direction and the traffic was only using one tube.   During that trip through the tunnel, the lighting was changed to all Amber Lights.

Bachman Tubes / East Ridge Tunnel, Chattanooga, TN

In 1995, My Grandfather took me through these tunnels twice while taking a drive around one day in Chattanooga, TN.  After passing through these tunnels, there was an awsome castle playground a few miles east of the tunnel.  The Freak-Out Factor is minimal because you can see the light at the other end of the tunnel as you approcah.

Click and Read about the Tunnels I been through on the Yeongdong Expressway (Expressway 50) Enroute to Pyeongchang, South Korea for the Special Olympics World Winter Games

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