Tuesday, January 4, 2011

MEPS (Military Enterance Processing Station) Hotel Stay

If you thought getting a Mr Big Choclate Bar at the Choclate Bar Church (Big Church) was a great freebie, Read This

You could stay at an Embassy Suites, Comfort Inn, or Hilton Hotel

Would you like to stay in a hotel for one night for free?

If So, all you need to do is join the United States Military.  Note, you must be a US Citizen to enlist in the US Military. 

How to claim your free Hotel Stay.

1. Apply online at http://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/help-choosing-a-career-job/army-career-explorer.html

2. Talk to a recruiter.  Your recruiter will perform a pres creening to determine if you qualify.  If you Qualify, you get to go to MEPS and claim your free hotel room.
3. Understand and complete the ASVAB.  This is an aptitude test that determines where you are.

4. Go to MEPS and Claim your Free Hotel Room

Where can you claim your free Hotel Room?

You will be put in a hotel by random,  you do not get to choose the hotel you are staying in.  You could stay at a Clairton, Quality Inn, or Double Tree Hotel.  The Hotel you get to stay in is determined where your local MEPS Station is located.

Why does the US Military give you a free hotel room?

You get to stay in a hotel because you live a distance away from the MEPS Station and ensure you get there to begin the Medical Screening Process on time (Hurry up and Wait). 

Hotel Perks for MEPS Visitors

Freedom Lounge with pool table, X Box Games, and TV

During your one night hotel stay, you get two meal tickets, Dinner and Breakfast at the Hotel restaurant.  Most hotels serve a buffet dinner and breakfast.  After dinner, there is a special room that the MEPS visitors where they can watch a movie or play X-BOX games.

What are the Ground Rules of the Hotel Stay?

When you claim your free hotel room, there are a bunch of silly rules you must abide by in order to go to MEPS.  These rules are mentioned at a breifing when you arrive at the hotel.  You may be only permitted to be on the floor of your room and the main floor.  You may not be allowed to swim in the pool because you are subject to a Hearing Test.  The Bar and alcohol is off limits because you are subject to a breathalyser test at MEPS.  The night ends at 2300 hr (11:00 PM) with Lights-Out in all MEPS rooms.

Why is the hotel stay very short?

On Check-Out Day, you will be up and out of your hotel room by 4:00 - 4:45 AM for breakfast.  Following Breakfast, you will check out and hop on the bus to MEPS for a long day of Hurry Up and Wait.

What Happens at MEPS?

A whole bunch of Medical Examinations, Swear Into the US Military, and Job opportunties.  If you qualify after the medical tests are complete, you get a ship out date.

MEPS Second Hotel Stay

Did you know that you get another free hotel room before you ship out to Basic Training, or Boot Camp?  Your recruiter will take you to a Hotel the night before you ship out.  This hotel stay is a perk because it's your last day of being a civilian.  During this last night of Civillian life still has its catches of the Ground Rules.  This hotel stay will be cut short at 4:00 - 4:45 AM with a wake-up call, breakfast and the bus to MEPS.  During this last night of Civilian Life, be sure to take advantage of the X-Box and the Free Movies in the special room for MEPS Members because you will not be playing X-Box or see a movie for a very long time.  Once you ship out to Boot Camp, you will become Property of the US Military. 

MEPS, Montgomery AL, Wikipedia

Resource Listing

Learn how to Join the US Army, Go Army, http://www.goarmy.com/learn.html, Jan 4, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Okay, little do you note that after the wearing in and hotel stay (and all the other free garb), that you will be in the military/government jurisdiction for the next 3-6 years of your life- minimum. :D
