The Legend of Hell House
Legend has it, Fundamentalist Christian Churches down in Southern U.S of A decided to take their own spin on haunted attractions. If you are crazy enough to visit Hell House, you will be in for a surprise.
What should you expect to see in a Haunted Attraction?
If you are familiar with haunted attractions including The Darkness, Haunted Hollows, Halloween Haunt, or Screemers you expect to see beautiful zombies, clowns, ghosts, goblins. Their elements of scare include making noise and being unexpected.
What is a Hell House?
A Hell House has the same features of a traditional haunted house including actors, props, etc. One of the key differences is the element of the Scare. These haunted attractions are run by fundamentalist Christians in the Bible Belt. Within these haunts, the actors will portray scenes of violence, satanic rituals, drug use, homosexuality, etc. Many Hell House attractions may contain scenes that are too graphic and disturbing.
Wikipedia's Definition,
"Hell houses are haunted attractions typically run by American, fundamentalist Christian churches or parachurch groups. These depict sin, the torments of the damned in Hell, and usually conclude with a depiction of heaven. They are most typically operated in the days preceding Halloween." (hell house - wikipedia)
Elements of Scare
The Elements of Scare are not your typical Jump/Startle Scare. Each scene inside the Hell House, the actors will re-create scenes of reality and sin. They will scare you so much because if you do not accept Christ you could go to hell in a Hand Basket. Almost all of the scenes are very graphic and disturbing. Did you know that the key person in each scene dies and goes to hell. Towards the end of the maze, there are scenes that depict Heaven and Hell. You may arrive at the Pearly Gates of Heaven and find out that you have been cast into hell. Once you enter Hell, you will meet Satan himself. Following the Scene of Hell you will enter a plain room which is known as the Decision Room.
The Decision Room
After getting through the Hell House, a church member or pastor will talk to the group and ask you the scariest question ever. "Where do you think you are going when you die?" This question is a major thinker because many people who went through the haunt are very unsure. The pastor may give you a 10 seconds to proceed to the next room where prayer councilors will talk to you 1 on 1 and accept Christ into your life.
Can you Chicken out of a Hell House?
All traditional haunted attractions have fire exits to use in case of a fire. If you are a chicken and you want to exit the Power House of Terror, a Rover will help you Chicken out. Unfortunately, a rover will not come to the rescue if you need to chicken out of a Hell House in Texas. The reason you cannot chicken out of Hell House is a safety concern. Once you enter, you must go through the Hell House and listen to a brief fire and brimstone sermon at the exit.
My Conclusions
I rather visit Haunted Hollows, Screemers, or Erebus Haunted attractions because their Elements of Scare are just plain fun and games. If I took my children to a Hell House thinking it was a traditional haunt, my children could be traumatized for a long time. Children do not deserve to see botched abortions, people killed in car crashes, etc.
Going to a haunt this Halloween?
If you are going to a haunt, you better do the research before you go. If the haunt is run by any church or religious organization, you better steer clear of it. Make sure that the haunt you plan to visit is on the safe list before you venture out.
Haunt Safe List.
Southern Ontario
Fear Farm, Bright Ontario
Haunted Hollows Scream Park, Newmarket, ON
King City Nightmares, Bolton, ON
Screemers, Vaughan, ON
The US of A
The Darkness, St Louis MO
Erebus, the Largest Haunted attraction in the World, Pontiac, MI
The Asylum Xperiment, Villa Park, IL (Permanently Closed)
The Haunted house Online Directory, This site features mainly haunts that are safe for your eyes.
Thank you for reading this piece Halloween Information and you will not get scarred by the disturbances of Hell House. I rather be scared by a zombie or a butcher at a traditional haunt.
The Asylum Xperiment, Villa Park, IL (Permanently Closed)
The Haunted house Online Directory, This site features mainly haunts that are safe for your eyes.
Thank you for reading this piece Halloween Information and you will not get scarred by the disturbances of Hell House. I rather be scared by a zombie or a butcher at a traditional haunt.