Friday, December 9, 2016

Memories of Being a Theatre Volunteer, Page 3

More Great Memories of Being a volunteer at the Theatre

2013, A Year to be Crazy for You

2013 is the year to walk The Nine Mile Portage, See Romeo and Juliet, Go Crazy For You,and William Shakespeare and friends told Robert Munsch Stories to the children in Munsch Ado About Nothing.

My 2013 volunteer journey started at Heritage Park for the performance of Romeo And Juliet, 50's style.  This production was set in the 1950's  most of the cast had their own miniature car to drive on and off stage.  The main set piece was an antique gas pump which was featured in the 2007 production of Pump Boys and Dinettes.

Romeo (Ryan Bommarito) arrives in style!

Photo Credit to Jennifer Klementii
Moments to remember from Romeo And Juliet,  There was a scene where everyone is dancing to Let's all Go to the Hop.  Micheal Rawley also paid a visit to Barrie for the performance.  Part way through the run,  The Pump Boys Shell Gas Pump disappeared from the set and replaced by a garbage barrel.

Let's go to the Hop!

Photo Credit to Jennifer Klementii
Iv'e got the Rhythm and Music in Theatre By the Bay's Main Company production of Crazy For You.  The songs from this performance will be stuck in your head as you singing them as you walk out of the theatre.  I retained my usual duty of handing out programs and letting people know that food and drink is not permitted in the auditorium.

This performance had some great moments.  I loved the Act 1 Finale because there was so much to cheer for.  You will never forget that moment when someone pulls out a hammer and starts banging the steps.

Rhythmic interlude in Iv'e Got Rhythm
In Act 2, there was a line to memorize.  I've got Rhythem I've got Music, I've got such a head ache.  I watched this performance 13 times.

the children enjoyed 5 great Robert Munsch stories on stage in Munsch Ado About Nothing

2014, Year of the Angels

In June, 2014 the angels made an appearance before Theatre By The Bay brought the City of Angels into the Mady.

This season I volunteered and saw 4 performances including The 9 Mile Portage, Macbeth, City of Angels, and the Three Munschkateers.

Filmmaker Stine working on his film, City of Angels

Membrable lines from City of Angels

"If you are not Celabate, we could raise a Helibut"

"Greatest Performances of a husband in the Dark"

2015, The year to Like It

Monday, July 18, 2016

More Memories of being a Theatre Volunteer

More Memories of being a Theatre Volunteer


In 2010,  the Downtown Community Theatre has closed for demolition and construction of the Mady Centre For the Performing Arts was underway.  Theatre By the Bay housed their productions of Taming of The Shrew and Aladdin and Jasmine's Summer Adventure in the Grand Theatre.

A photo op with a character from Taming of the Shrew

I continued my duties of handing out programs as audience members file into the theatre prior to the performances and sell rings at the kids show.

The Magic Carpet
Great moments of 2010 included hugging Micheal Rawley, and a photo opportunity with a character from Taming of the Shrew.


William Shakespeare Bobble Head

There was high hopes for the Mady Centre for the Performing Arts to be complete for Theatre By The Bay's 2011 season.  Robert Joy from CSI NY had the role of Prospero in The Tempest.  Due construction delays at the Mady,  Theatre By The Bay had to relocate The Tempest and Treasure Island, the Pirate Musical to the Georgian Theatre.  Treasure Island was remounted to celebrate the Theatre By the Bay's 10th anniversary.  I continued on with my duties of handing out the programs and selling the rings.

Evil Dead the Musical's Kristan Brunn returned to
play as Stephano in the Tempest
Memories of this season included meeting Robert Joy and hugging Micheal Rawley.

Hugging Micheal Rawley at The Tempest.
Whatever happened to the Peter Pan costume?  In June, 2011, I was informed that the Peter Pan costume will be given to me.  After searching the treasury, Peter Pan Costume has vanished into the Great Costume Void.

The Mady Centre for the Performing Arts was built and officially opened on September 10, 2011.


The Mady Centre was finally built and Theatre By the Bay has a new home.  The 2012 season was the only season that had a theme, Great Stories well Told.  Theater By the Bay had three performances over the course of the summer.  I saw Man of La Mancha 8 times and wanted to see it a few more times and I could not get into the theatre due to sell outs.  The same cast also performed The Mary Wives of Windsor on altarnate days.

 The Young Company performed Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang.

Hugging Micheal Rawley after watching Jacob Two Two
Memories of the 2012 season,  I got to hug Micheal Rawley several times throughout the rehearsal period and helped on the construction and the painting of a two storey set.  Great songs of this season included The Impossible Dream, Dulcinea, We're Only Thinking of Him, from Man of La Mancha.  Child Power from Jacob Two Two meets the Hooded Fang.  In one performance of Man of La Mancha,  Micheal Rawley approached me while singing We're Only Thinking of Him.  I did not know that he did that for me until after the performance.

Click Here and Read about 2007, A season to Pump and Dine

Click here and Read about 2013, A season to be Crazy for You.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Memories of being a volunteer at the Theatre

Great Memories of Being a Volunteer at The Theatre


In 2007, I wanted to become involved with the local theatre after watching Evil Dead the Musical for the second time.  I got in touch with Theatre By the Bay, a professional theatre company in Barrie, Ontario.  My primary duty at the theatre was to hand out programs as people proceed into the theatre prior the the performance.  The first show I saw for free was Pump Boys and Dinettes.  On My first shift, I volunteered and watched Sleeping Beauty's Summer Adventure.  I watched both of theses performaces several times.

Memorable line from Sleeping Beauty's Summer Adventure, "Sleep Country Canada, Why buy a mattress anywhere else.  In this production, audience members were pulled from the audience to hold brief cases in a Deal or No Deal sketch.


In July 2008, I was exposed to Shakespeare for the first time,  I greeted people and watched A Midsummer's Night Dream at Heritage Park.  In August, I continued my duties of handing out programs at performances of Glorious, The World's Worst Singer and Cinderella's Summer Adventure.  I got the duty of selling the rings at kid's performances.

This is a design I made with the rings

Memorable Line from Glorious,  That's a man's Chair


Theatre By the Bay has finally had its first production inside the Barrie Downtown Community Theatre, 1 Dunlop Street West.  I was very excited because a former cast member from Evil Dead The Musical, Kristan Brunn Played the role of Malvolio in Twelfth Night. I got to spend plenty of time talking to him about my memories from Evil Dead the Musical.  I also met up with Micheal Rawley.

Music Is The Food of Life 

I fell in love with Peter Pan and Tinkerbell's Summer Adventure Because it was the first time seeing Peter Pan in the theatre.  I got the duty of selling rings and halos before and after the performances. 

A moment from Peter Pan and Tinkerbell's Summer Adventure,  The whole audience got to participate in the Chicken Dance.

After the performance closed,  I asked a friend at Theatre By the Bay about the Peter Pan costume because was a great costume to wear out.

Click and continue reading about 2010, A season to Tame a Shrew.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Hut! The Myrtle Beach, SC Story

Hut!  The Myrtle Beach Story

In 1989,  I wanted to go to Myrtle Beach for March Break.  In the weeks leading up to March Break, Mrs Booth gave me a travel brochure for Ocean Park Resort  In 1989, my relatives took me to Niagara falls for two nights.

When I returned from school after March Break, Mrs Booth brought her photo album from her trip to Myrtle Beach,  there were tones of pictures including the tunnels.  When I saw the tunnel picture for the first time, I thought it was an alternate route to Niagara Falls.

In the late fall or early winter of 1989, My grandfather asked me where would I like to go for March Break, I said, Myrtle Beach.  He said OK.  I was so happy to take the trip.  I saw many bridges including the Burlington Skyway, the Peace Bridge, and other great bridges I never crossed.  I Passed through the East River Mountain and Big Walker Mountain Tunnels.

In Myrtle Beach, my grandfather took me to a railway track that is not too far from Intercoastel Waterway Drawbridge

Intercoastal Waterway Drawbridge,,

My grandfather took a picture of me beside the Railway crossing gate.  I climbed onto an ACL locomotive while my grandfather shot the picture.
