Thursday, February 16, 2012

Would you like to experience a Hot Lather Shave?

If you love to experience a Hot Lather Shave, you are up for a treat.  Today I will be telling you about The Bed Shave?

What is a Bed Shave?

A Bed Shave is what I like to refer to a Straight Razor Shave at the Barber pole Barber Shop.  If you like to know what a Bed shave entails, watch the opening scene of The Untouchables

A Gangster getting a Bed Shave while talking to Reporters in the Untouchables

Why Bed Shave?

When I was in High School, I wanted to experience a Bed Shave.  What came through my head at the moment, I wanted to be strapped to the barber chair while the barber shaves my face with the straight razor.  Nowadays, I would like to experience the barber holding my head between each stroke of the razor.

Where did I witness the Straight Razor for the First Time?

In the new year of 1995, my grandfather took me to the Rabbit Barber Shop in Keswick, Ontario for our family hair cuts.  While I was waiting for my turn to hop into the chair, I saw the barber put on some gel on the back of the person in the chair.  A moment after, the barber wielded the straight razor and than he shave the back of the person's neck.  I wanted to experience the head holds, of the Straight razor.  

Since 2018, a Boring old Medical clinic and pharmacy now occupies the former Rabbit Barber Shop.  Now you can get a stethoscope on your chest.

Where can you go to Experience a Bed Shave for yourself?

The Black Collar Barber Shop

2791 Lakeshore Blvd W, Toronto, ON

I got my first bed shave at the Black Collar Barber shop for Christmas.  Thank you Nate for a wonderful experience with my cut and shave.  Nate uses a combination of electric and straight razor during a bed shave at Black Collar.  I would highly recommend Nate and team at Black Collar Barber Shop.

Book your Hair Appointment today

Black Collar Barber Shop Team

8-Bit Barber Shop, Formerly known as History Barber Shop, 

31 Dunlop Street E, Barrie, ON

Get to the next level with a bed shave at Downtown Barrie's video game themed barber shop.  Book your next hair appointment at

Queensway Barber Shop

10, The Queensway S, Keswick, ON

Go to to book your hair and shave appointment

The Barber Pole, Mobile Barber service

The Barber Pole was a Unique Mobile Barber Shop where you find all your men's grooming needs from Hair Cuts, Neck Clean-Up, and Bed Shave in the comfort of your home or office

You can book your Bed Shave and other men's grooming needs online in the Request a Booking Section of the Barber Pole dot ca

Bed Shaves in Movies.

Everyone knows about the Famous Bed Shave in the opening scene of The Untouchables.

Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)

Todd Sweeney (2007)  You shold get a bed shave from this famous Barber when you visit is Fleet Street Barber Shop.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Electric Circus

What is an Electric Circus

An Electric Circus is a dance party you can have in your living room, classroom, or clubhouse.  The Electric Circus was a TV Show on Much Music back in the 1990's.

What you need?

TV, Home Theatre, or Computer Screen

This set-up is a great example for your Elecric Circus

VHS tape recordings or youtube recordings of your favorite episiods of Electic Circus,  If you cannot find any of your old Electric Circus videos, just play your favorite songs that were played on Electric Circus.

Friends, Send them invites

Last But Not Least, Space for you and your friends to Dance the night away to your classic Electric Circus video.   Move your household furnishings out of the area where you are having your dance floor. 

Sending out the Invites

You can use the Electric Circus logo posted at the top of this post and be creative..  Do not forget to put the date and time of your party on the invite before you send it out.

Party Favors

If you are hosting an electric circus, you should have a wide spread of party favors like punch, cookies, timbits, etc.  If you are having alocholic beverages, please drink responsibly.

Throwing the party

Clear your basement, rec room, etc in order to make space for your dance floor.  The dance floor should be closest to your TV or Home Theatre.  I would reccoment a Home Theatre with great sound so your partiers will enjoy the classic tracks from the 1990's.  If you are stumped in finding your old EC VHS tapes, you can Google or youtube search Electric Circus and turn up the music.  Go Dance

Electric Circus Play List

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for songs to be added

Tid Bits

Did you know I had an Electric Circus in my Grade X English Class at 9:00 AM.

Dance Music During the Frantic Era

2002 , First Year of LASA

This photo was taken outside the Boileroom in the summer of 2002

In 2002, I took LASA at Georgian College,  there was some great music on Z 103.5 That I love.  Many of the tracks were posted on the play lists of Grade XII and Post High School.  During this era, I turned 19 and started going to the Boileroom for Frantic Fridays until close in April - May 2003.

Access Code, System Error (Error in The System), 1999,  I heard this track for the first time at the Roxx Boileroom in August 2001 after the club's inception.  This track was played again around Halloween, 2001.

PPK, Resurrection, Recorded in 2000, Released, 2002,   I heard this track for the first time at the Roxx Boileroom after it's inception in 2001

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for song listing s for this play list.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

More High School Dance Music Memories from the Radio

Music of the High School Days Part II

In Grade XI and XII, I heard some great tracks during these final two years of High School.  You would remember listening to songs like Boom Boom Boom, or We like to Party released by the Venga Boys.

Innisdale Secondary School, Barrie, Ontario.  I attended this high school
from Grade 10 - 12.  Attended two Dance A Thons, and Discoverd the
Groove Box in Grade 12.  

If you have not read and learned about the classic dance music tracks I loved during Grade IX and X, lets click here and enjoy the memories.

Grade XI

During the Grade 11 school year, there were some more great music heard on the Radio and I also recorded music off the Chris Sheppard Radio show every sunday on blank cassettes to play back later.

Bassment Jaxx, Can you Feel the Bass, I recorded a version off Chris Sheppard Pirate Radio which was composed by SQ 1

Binary Finary, 1998 - Paul Van Dike Remix, I heard this song for the first time on the Chris Shepard Radio show

Brooklyn Bounce, Contact

Eiffel 65, Blue

Faithless, God is a DJ

                  Take the Long Way Home

Joee Conns, Get Funkee, I heard this track for the first time on the Chris Sheppard Radio Show in the summer of 1998 at Blackdown Army Cadet Summer Training Centre.

Klubheads, Kickin Hard, 1998, I heard this track for the first time at ACSTC Blackdown.  I recorded it off the Chris Sheppard Radio Show.  This track was very popular and played almost every week.

Perfect Phase, Horny Horns, 1999, I recorded this track in the winter of 2000 on the Chris Sheppard Pirate Radio Show on a Sunday evening.  This track was dropped during an All Ages night at Barrie's Roxx Nightclub on June 28, 2000

Phats & Small, Feels Good,1999

Venga Boys, Up and Down

                      We Like to Party (The Venga Bus)

SQ 1, Can you feel the Bass, Original Mix.  I recorded this track off the Chris Sheppard Radio show in the spring of 1999 on the boat.  This version was very hard to find.  I also referred this track as Heart Monitor.

Veracocha, Carte Blanche, (Original Mix).  This track was discovered while I was recording the Chris sheppard Radio show in the spring of 1999 on my father's boat.  This track reminded me of the Battle Theme from Final Fantasy VII.

Wamdue, King of My Castle. This was a popular mainstay on the Hits 103.5 since 1998.  I recorded this track from a Friday or Saturday night Live To Air broadcast

Grade XII

Alice Deejay, I Can See (See It in your Eyes), 2000

ATB, 9PM Till I Come

Ayla, Ayla - Original DJ Taucher Mix  I discovered this hidden gem of a track on the Global Sound System on CIUT 89.5 FM in December 1999.

The Black and White Brothers, Put your hands up in the Air,1998.  I heard this song for the first time at the 1999 Innisdale Dance A Thon,  This track is on Club hits, 2000

Cevin Fisher, (You Got Me) Burnin' Up, 1999

Chicane, Saltwater. 1999 I recorded this track onto a cassette tape from the Chris Shepard Pirate Radio Show on Hits 103 dot 5  FM (Z 103) in Aug, 1999.  
DJ Sakin & Friends, Protect Your Mind (Lange Remix), 1999. This track was discovered on my radio during a broadcast during the Christmas Holidays of 1999.

DJ Taucher, Child of the Universe, (1999).  I discovered this track during the Christmas Holidays in 1999 while I was recording music during a late night broadcast of on CIUT 89.5 FM

Eifel 65, Move Your Body

              My Console

First Base, Follow Me (1999)

Jennifer Lopez, Waiting for Tonight, 1999

La Cream, Say Goodbye, 1999

Lost Witness, Happiness Happening (Lange Remix), 1999.  I discovered this hidden track while recording from the 1 broadcast on CIUT FM over the Christmas Holidays in 1999.

Marc Et. Claude, I need your lovin' (Just like the Sunshine) (HH Respect Mix ), 2000.  I discovered this remix while I was recording music from the 1 radio broadcast on CIUT FM at the start of the Summer Holidays in 2000. 

Markus Schulz, You Won't See Me Cry (Pablo Gargano Mix), 2000.  I discovered this track while recording music from the Brodcast on CIUT 89.5 FM

Mr Oizo, Flat Beat,

New OrderConfusion Pump Panel Remix, (1998) This track is commonly known as the Vampire Club track in the movie Blade  
North Pole, Afterburn,  I discovered this song on CIUT 89.5 FM in June 2000 and hit the record button.  This track has some similarities to another track from the video game Deus EX: Human Mankind, Prague #2 Ambient

Robbie Tronco, Fright Train, I heard this track on the Chris Sheppard Radio Show in the fall of 1999.  This track is on Club Hits, 2000

Venga BoysBoom Boom Boom

That is all for today,  If you remember the TV show Electric Circus,  I held an Electric Circus in my Grade X English class at the end of the 1997 - 1998 School year

Post High School, 2000 - 2001

After I graduated High School, there were a few more awesome tracks on Hits 103.5 and I continued to tape as they catch my ears.  Some of these tracks I remember hearing once or twice and had no chance to record them.  I bought MC which had some of the songs I loved from that era.

Aquagen, Party alarm, 2000  I discovered this track in the summer of 2000 on  When I heard this track, I popped a tape into the recorder and hit record.

ATC, Around the World

Bloodhound Gang, Bad Touch

Bomfunk MC, Freestyler, 1999

Daft Punk, One More Time

Darude, Sandstorm, Oct 1999

              Feel The Beat, 2000

Unknown artist, Eternity?, I do not know the artist and the actual title of this track.  I am titling it Eternity because the main word is Eternity.  I discovered this Celtic trance track on the broadcast in the summer of 2000.  follow the link and listen to this sample anyone knows drop a message on this page.

Delerium, Silence Ft. Sara McLachlan Tiesto Remix, 1997 - 99

Ian Van Dahl, Castles in the Sky

Kernkraft 400, Zombie Nation

Lock and Load, Blow Ya Mind, 1999 In the summer of 2000, I heard this track for the first time at a dance at the Connaught National Army Cadet Training Centre.  This track features a Cat Scan Dance rhythm.  This track was a popular track G Roc dropped at the Roxx Boiler Room after it's inception in August, 2001

The Ones, Flawless, (2001)

Public Domain, Opeation Blade ,Bass in the Place, (2000)

Safri Dou, Played-A-Live (AKA Bongo Song)

Voodoo and Serano, Blood is Pumpin


Richard F. Feat. Samantha Stock - Let The Sunshine Thru, 2004

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for more great songs to added to the play list.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Memories of Riot Youth Barrie

What was Riot Youth Barrie.

Riot Youth Barrie was a youth oriented organization that had all ages concerts in 2001 - 2002.  Riot Youth Barrie Brought great bands like The Sallies, Constable Brennan, The Class.  They also featured local bands including Laugh out Loud, Pink Slip, Tried It, 420, and more.

The History

In 2001, Riot Youth Barrie held a monthly All Ages concert series at the Barrie Native Friendship Centre.  On October 27, 2001 Riot Youth Barrie planned to have a marathon concert and unfortunately, that concert had to be shortened due to venue rules

Winter 2002, Riot Youth Barrie had a series of concerts at Georgian College's Last Class.  These shows were all ages and featured bands including The Heat and The Sallies.


The Bands

Local Bands


Pink Slip

Laugh out Loud

Life As Usual

Four to Nothing (4:20)

New Sense -- Played on October 27, 2001 at the Barrie Native Friendship Centre, Played Spring 2002 at the Last Class


Porno Fuk


Tried It -- Played October 27, 2001 at the Barrie Native Friendship Centre and March 2002 at the Last Class at Georgian College

The Heat -- Played March, 2002 at the Last Class at Georgian College

Out of town Bands

Constable Brennan -- Played September, 2001 at Barrie Native Friendship Centre

The Sallies -- Played September, 2001 at Barrie Native Friendship Centre, Spring 2002 at the Last Class at Georgian College, Summer 2002 at the Off Duty Bar / Grill

The Class -- Played December, 2001 at Barrie Native Friendship Centre (Riot Youth Barrie Native Friendship Centre Finale)

In the Spring of 2002, another punk rock organizer Riot Productions brought the scene to the Iconic Barrie Native Friendship Centre gym for some monthly shows.  Tried it opened for both the April and May show.  Famous songs that Tried It were School Daze and Hidden Sin.

Keep your ears to the Tracks to this entry on a wonderful piece of History of Barrie's Punk Scene.

Next Page:  Freedom Fest, A 3 Day Camping Music and Cabanas (Marijuana) Festival

Monday, February 6, 2012

Frantic Friday Historic DJ Line-Ups

November / December 2002

Nov. 1st

Chris Vench [House] Redline Crew, Eastern Bloc

T.R.O. [Chicago House] Soundscapes, Release

Nov. 8th

D-Monic [Funky Breaks] (mixes available!), Pure Phunk

Mel B [deep Tech House] ebombsquad

Flatline [Drum 'n Bass] ebombsquad

Nov. 15th

Jelo [Hardhouse, Techno, Breaks], 2Wars

Vertigo & Bromics [UK Hardhouse] ebombsquad

Nov. 22nd
Kid Lax [Trance] ebombsquad

Nokturnal [Breaks]

D-Unknown [House] ebombsquad

Nov. 29th 

CLUB246.COM Grooverince Countdown #17 featuring:

Max Scholz [House]

JC [House]

Raygun [Progressive]

Dec. 6th


Shasta Elliot

Dec. 13th

Friday the 13th - Night of the Evil DJ

Mike Gleeson

Orange Richie


Dec. 20th

Frantic 1 year anniversay

Juno Award winning Hatiras

DJ Ray Gun

Dec. 27th

 Robb-G [Promo Records, Eastern Bloc]

Soda Pop [From Whistler BC]

Raygun bought me a bus ticket to attend Destiny Productions NYE 2003 at Viva Nightclub

Historic Events of March 2003

Ebombs made their second attempt at having an after hours in Barrie in 2003 at the Den Nightclub on the Friday and Saturday nights for a few weeks

Frantic After Effects -- An after hours event that the Ebombs squad attempted to throw and it only lasted a short time

Afterburner -- This after hours event started in the winter of 2003 and it ended in the spring due to slow attendance.

Let's read a historic posting from

House DJ's Wanted Phase 2 Begins

Dj's Wanted!!!!

ebombs entertainment is now looking for dj's again who are looking to get some promo, exposure, or just good ole plain set times to play at a variety of ebombs events here in the Barrie area.

The last time we made such a post was in July of 2002, and we recieved a great deal of response and interest from those who weren't seeking mass cash payouts, but were looking for a new environment and a place to spin and gain exposure.

It has taken us 8 months to accomodate all those who emailed us for set times.

Aprox. 150 DJ's have come through the doors of frantic fridays to lay down sets of their choosing and no demo CD's were required.

Our statement last July 2002 was, anyone who wishes to come play can and will. I think we hit around 98% of those who had contacted me.

Many came up here for free, and many left here with gas money or atleast their expenses and drinks paid for. As we charge a maximum of $5 cover with a general cover of $3. This even includes the many headliners we have had.

Frantic fridays was established to accomodate the dj of all levels,

to provide a place for dj's to spin on a great sound system, and be surrounded by those of similar interests. In the past and in the present many promoters were the ones at risk for loosing money for attempting to promote the scene.

At this stage, as there has been a huge drop in the attendences in the whole spectrum of this industry or the past couple years, it is my conclusion that "cash hungry dj's" , " Coporate take over" and "sell out Promoters" were the reason behind this decrease in the electronic music culture.

Ebombs is trying to position itself in Barrie and hoefully soon in toronto, to attempt to rebuild and or to help those who wish to get this market back up to par without the aid of "large over paid dj's" but rather focus on our local scene at hand.

This means more support for local dj's and those who wish to help rebuild.

i encourage other promoter to follow suit to a certain degree, by simply giving others outside of yoru crew a chance to play and a chance for them to gain exposure. Many DJ 's are not looking for alot of money to play. They would just like the opportunity.

Right now Ebombs offers its decks to all those who desire set times. We are slowly expanding the barrie market through this concept.


Frantic (Fridays) - 9pm - 2:30 am weekly (Boileroom)

FRANTIC After Effects (Fridays) - 2 am - 8 am weekly ( The den)

Original SIn (Saturdays) 11:30pm - 1 am weekly (Boileroom, Roxx)

After Burner (Saturdays) 2 am - 8 am weekly (The den)

Set times for all these nights are available for all those who wish to get some play time.

More nights will be available soon in and around the toronto area.

So if your looking for play time.. EBOMBS HAS IT!



On May 31, 2003,  This is Raygun's Final Remarks as Frantic Friays came to a close.  The top 40 DJ has took over the boileroom until it was transformed into an Egyptian themed Roxx West the college season of 2003 - 04

It's All Gone

Hey, this is raygun from ebombs

Yeh we lost our friday night after almost 2 years.

I handed them a 40 pages proposel to make it even better, and they turned it down out of egotism.

No notice, and leaving me with a hatiras contract ,which i will honor as soon as we get our new venue.

It wasnt that the night was hurting, we had just changed format in teh main room and they didn;t see the potential of the plan i submited, so i quit my full time employment with them.

Two weeks ago, we lost another house night at FITZY's on mondays which lasted 6 years.

Then this week, Dv8 also lost its saturday night, so there really isn;t anything left in Barrie.

Im not sure if im going to hit up another club here, or wait until i can open my own. Im bounded by peoples lack of vision, and must do things for our selves.

I think its been long enough where promoters from all over the place get ripped off for trying to do things at clubs.

We shall see, in the mean time we are putting out a little magazine, nothing too fancy, and it will be affordable for all those you need to promote their endevours with minimal expense,

were not doing this one for profit, its mainly to help everyone

rebuild or aid or efforts in the scene which is slowly fading away, on all fronts.

SO if anyone out there wishes to get involved in writing or phototography etc, please contact me or adorable homeboy anytime.


Again my appologies for those whom were booked for the next 6 weeks.

It was out of my hands. believe me i tired.


The Ebombsquad is gone and never forgotten. 

After the Ebombsquad vacated the Boileroom in May 2003, they threw a weekly at 905ive in Hamilton and Film Lounge in the fall of 2003.

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for more memories of Frantic Fridays as it's unearthed from the World Wide Web of Wonders

Frantic Fridays, Season 1, The Beginning

Friday, February 3, 2012

Music of the High School Years

During the High School Era, there was a change of music that was being played at your school Dances.  If you recall, the DJ will play too many hip hop tracks than upbeat dance tracks.  If you want to listen to Hip Hop, you should listen to it as you drive through the Car Wash

If you do not recall the memories of elementary School, Let's Click Here and Enjoy.

Grade IX

When I was in Grade 9, I listened to great tunes on Energy 108, 107.9 FM.  There was a great 20 minute street mix known as the 9:00 Hard Drive.  This Street Mix featured hard tunes like Insomnia, and more.  There was a few time stretch tracks in the mix too.

Here is a quick Rundown of some tracks I loved from the Grade 9 era.


Nightmare -- This track is very common on a CD.  This track is on Chris Sheppard's Destination Dance Floor 3

Nightmare (Burger Queens Mix), 1997,  This song has another version I heard on the radio back in the summer of 1997.

Daft Punk, Around the World

                    Da Funk

Faithless -- Insomnia, This track features a time stretch

Insomnia (Armand Van Helden's Mission to Mars Remix), 1997.  This track is filled with time stretch effects.  I taped this track off Energy FM 9 O Clock Hard Drive in the spring of 1997

Porn Kings, Up to No Good,

Sneaker Pimps -- Spin Spin Sugar, This track has a freaky timestretch half way through the track

Grade X

In Grade 10, I listed to Hits 103.5 and Energy 108 at the off and on. 

Here is a run down of some great tracks I have heard during the Grade 10 year and Summer of 1998

666, Alarma

Aqua, Barbie Girl

Bassment Jaxx: Fly Life, I tapped this song from Chris Sheppard Radio Show back in the spring of 1998.

Brooklyn Bounce, Get Ready to Bounce

                               The Real Bass, This track has a timestretch

Chemical Brothers, Block Rocki'n Beats

Daft Punk, Burnin, I heard this track for the first time on Electric Circus.

Daze, Superhero

De Bos -- On the Run

DJ Supreme, The Horns of Jericho (Porn Kings Full On Remix)

This track features two time stretches.  I recorded this track off the Chris Sheppard Radio show in May 1998.

Double 99 -- Ripgroove (Vocal Club Mix Feat. Top Cat)  Featuring – Top Cat This track features a Time Stretch, This track was played at the Winterlude Edition of Electric Circus in 1998.

Da Hool -- Meet Her at the Love Parade

Joee, Angel, This track is very popular and played all the time on the Live-to-Air on 103.5, I also heard this track on the Winterlude Edition of Electric Circus in 1998

Joee Cons -- Get Funkee.  I heard this track for the first time on the Chris Sheppard Groove Station on Hits 103.5 in July 1998.  It featured a scary time stretch halfway through the track.  This track is on Club Hits, 2000

Junkie XL, Dealing with the Roster, I heard this track only once on electric Circus.  I bought the CD in June 1998 at Sam the Record Man at Georgian Mall

                    Fight, I heard this track when Junke XL played live at Electric Circus

Klubbheads, Discohopping,  I recorded this track off the Chris Sheppard Radio Show in the spring of 1998

Love Inc, Broken Bones

                You're a Superstar, This track has four versions.  One of them has a timestretch on it.

Lucid --  I can't Help Myself (The Lucid Vocal Mix), This track features a freaky timestretch

Lustral, Everytime (Nalin & Kane Remix),

Olive, You're Not Alone

McGregor, PF Project -- Choose Life, This track has a time stretch

Mousse T VS Hot N Juicy -- Horny 98This song aired for the first time on July 17th, 1998 on the Chris Sheppard Groove Station on Hits 103.5 FM.  I heard it for the first time at Blackdown Army Cadet Training Centre.  When the track was dropped, it was time for the radio to be shut off for the night. Sorry, Lights Out!

Nalin & Kane, Beachball,

Porn Kings, Armour (C'mon)

Red 5Da Beat Goes This track is on Chris Sheppard's Destination Dance Floor 3

            Lift Me Up,

Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins, It's Like That, When I taped this song off the Radio, I referred it as Dominion Run.

Stardust, Music Sounds Better with You,

Yves Murasca -- All about House Music, When I first listened to this track on the radio, I referred it as Couch Music because it sounded like Couch instead of House.