Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Campus Response Team at Georgian College

Memories of the Campus Response Team

 A long time ago, before Robert Joy stepped foot on stage at Georgian College Theatre, I was a volunteer in Georgian College's Campus Response Team.  The Campus Response Team was a college St. John Ambulance team that would respond and perform first aid if needed during the school day.  the Campus Response Team was referred as CRT as short.

The famous Ceiling Tile in the SAC office (GCSA)

The Campus Response Team members were Identified by their red golf shirts that had the team name on the left breast.  CRT Members also wore a red photo ID badge.  The CRT has a hallway office in the back of the SAC office outside the boardroom.  The first aid bags and Kenwood Radios were stored in a cabinet.  CRT Members will meet and pick up their radios and first aid bags before heading onto shift.

What did CRT Members do during the School day

CRT Members will attend class as usual. They will carry a Kenwood 2-Way radio with them all shift long. If you are in class, and you receive a call, you will slip out of class and see what needs to be done. CRT Members had to take their Level C Standard First Aid including Adult, child, and Infant CPR.  CRT Members also had to do the BTS test.  The BTS was a St. John Ambulance Practical test that tests the first aid skills on every first aid from Emergency Scene Managament to the Secondary Survey.

TLC / Special Events Duties

The Last Class, an on campus pub at Georgian college

During the school year, CRT members had optional events in the TLC (The Last Class).  CRT members got to watch concerts and enjoy non-alocholic beverages during the evening while on duty.  You are responsible to respond if something comes up.  My first TLC Duty was XXX Tony Lee Hypnotist.  during that evening there was no problems and I got to enjoy the funny show from the balcony.  I also did a Concert and I was lucky to wear the ear piece for that evening.

The CRT also did other duties like the Orientation Week.  CRT Members were out on duty at various Orientation events on campus. 

What did the Ear Piece look like?

The ear piece had a large ear Push to Talk button that clipped to the belt and it hooked up to a Kenwood radio.  The ear piece itself was larger than an earbud and it felt uncomfortable when you put it in your ear.  When you want to talk, you push the large button and talk.  The microphone was attached to the earpiece and you feel like that you are a secret service agent.  I only got to wear the Ear Piece only once becasue Tamara Jones said the it needed to be cleaned.

What Happened to the CRT

In the spring of 2003, the CRT has been dissolved.  Tamara Jones asked me for my CRT shirt and badge which I still have.  I kept the shirt because Tamara Jones skipped town.  In the fall of 2003, the CRT was no longer, I was the last member of the CRT with a red shirt on campus.  I worn the shirt to school on occasion because i loved the shirt.  During that school year, I partook in weekly meetings at the St. John Ambulance, downtown Barrie

9 Years Later

Nine Years before Robert Joy Stepped foot on stage, I was a Member of the CRT (Campus Response Team) at Georgian College

Robert Joy Stepped onstage and I got to give him a hug.  I got to return to Georgian college to volunteer with Theatre by the Bay and Meet Robert Joy for the first time and hug Micheal Rawley.

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for more great volunteer memories.  We will Remember the Campus Response Team.

Friday, December 16, 2011

My Experience of volunteering at the Famous People Players in Toronto

October 24th 2007

On October 24th, 2007, I decided to volunteer and see what it was like to volunteer at the Famous People Players Theatre in Toronto.

The main setting where Famous People Players volunteers is the famous Windreach Dining Room.  Volunteers were expected to wear black pants, dress shirt, and shoes.  Don't forget the white bow tie

All Volunteers and actors will enter the theatre via the stage door.

Volunteer Orientation Run-Down

When you work as a volunteer at the Famous People Players, you will be exptected to a black button up dress shirt, black vest, black pants, and a white bow tie. 

Volunteer Tasks

When on duty, the number one task you must do is wash your hands because you are working on the floor of a restaurant.

Appetizer / Main Course 

Once everyone arrives in the dining room, the volunteers will help serve the tables.  Once dinner was served, it was time for the patrons to enjoy the show in the Phil Collins Theatre.


If you were a loyal Theatre By the Bay volunteer, you get the benefit to see the show.  At the Famous People Players Theatre, you will be stuck working in the dining room resetting the tables for dessert.  your tasks are to scrape crumbs off tables and remove dirty main course dishes.


The chef places the desserts on a buffet table in the centre of the dining room.Volunteers will help out in serving coffee and tea.

Clean Up

All volunteers get to pitch in the closing task of the day.  All volunteers will help sweep and vacuum the restaurant.

Other Tidbits

Volunteers will have their meal breaks in the Back Stage of the Phil Collins' Theatre.  The common area has a large table that everyone sits around and microwaves to warm up your home brought food.  You have to be 100% self sufficient when you volunteer at Famous People Players. 
The Draw Backs and Conclusions

When I volunteered for the Famous People Players back in 2007, I had to pack a lunch or go to a near by restaurant to eat.  If you were lucky, the chef may have some food left over for you to enjoy like spuds or peas.  Volunteers do not get to see the show because they are busy scraping crumbs off tables during Turn Over.  If you want a glass of water during your shift, you are responsible to bring your own bottle and store it in the coffee / Tea room.

I rather volunteer for Theatre by the bay and I get to watch better shows like The Tempest, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Etc. If you volunteer for Theatre By the Bay, You will get the opportunity to hug Micheal Rawley. 

Enjoy the Show

Keep your Ears to the tracks for other volunteer opportunities I have partook like Campus Response Team.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Great Stories Well Told Early Bird Subscription

The Gift of Theatre

This is the first year that Theatre By the Bay has offered a Subscription program for your theatre viewing pleasure this summer.  If you plan to visit Barrie Ontario this summer, Don't forget to order your early bird Subscription for 65.00 (Plus HST).

Your subscription will include

1 ticket to Man of La Mancha, The Merry Wives of Windsor, and Jacob Two-Two, Meets the Hooded Fang at the Mady Centre for the Performing Arts (Barrie's Downtown Community Theatre)

Early Bird on sale until National Flag Day (February 15, 2012).  Give the gift of Great Stories well Told to a loved one this February.  On February 16th, the gift of theatre will increase to $70.00 plus HST
Volunteers Wanted for Great Stories Well Told

Theatre By the Bay is constantly looking for new volunteers for this season.  If you love Live Professional Theatre, this is the right place to volunteer.  Theatre By the Bay cannot exist without volunteers like you to step up to the plate.

Jobs include front of house duties, Street Team (Booth), Office Work, Back Stage, and many more.  All Current volunteers shall keep their ears to the tracks for a training / orientation meeting after the holidays.  New volunteers please E-mail Erica at info@theatrebythebay.com and keep your ears to the tracks for your meeting date.

Orientation Run-Down

All volunteers are expected to wear their black Theatre By the Bay T-Shirt and respect one another while on duty.  Tell your audience members to enjoy the show as you hand out programs or take their tickets.

Theatre By the Bay Volunteers wish you a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you this summer

Keep your ears to the tracks for details at http://www.theatrebythebay.com/ or call 705- 735-9243

Monday, December 12, 2011

Do you listen to Z 103.5, Let's Play Name That Tune by

I have two songs I have recorded off Z 103.5 FM over 10 years ago.  If you know the lyrics, please type the name of the song in the Comments section.

The First song I have herd of is titled I want to Be the One.  I heard two freestyle remixes of this song on Z 103.5.  I do not know the artist that made the remix.

I want to Be the One, -- Steve B

Late at night when I'm all alone

I think of you and I'm feelin strong

Wishin you would look my way

Let me be the one

My heart is achin for that special girl

To come on in and to share my world

Someone to love and someone to hold

Let me be the one

I Love You

Chorus 1:

I need you girl and I need you now

I'll get you lookin at me somehow

The love I have is an open door girl

Come on in, lets begin, I love you

Chorus 2:

I wanna be the one you're givin your lovin

I wanna be the one you're kissin and huggin

I wanna be the one you dream of at night

Let me be the one

Repeat 2

I Love you, Baby

I don't believe it should take so long

To find someone I can call my own

Just come more close and you'll feel my love

It's a burning love, my baby

My heart is achin for that special girl

To come on in and to share my world

Some one to love and someone to hold

Let me be the one, my baby

Repeat Chorus 1

Repeat Chourus 2

A Promise to Share - Steve B

Listen to this song on Youtube

The Second song I have heard and taped off Z 103.5 has the following Lyrics. Aug 26, 2012, I stumbled across the title of this song and took a listen when I was looking at Steve B songs and found the title for this song is now known.  This song is on Stevie B Running Back Album (released 1993).

The Chorus goes like this.

You Touch Me, I touch you

This Love was out of control,

I want you to want me

Oh Baby ____________

It's a Promise to Share

It's a Promise to Care

I'll Come Back to you  (Repeat)

When I listened to the radio, there were so many songs I loved and hear and I only have them on old fashioned cassette tapes.

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for unknown songs

Refrence, I am Looking for the Name,  Yahoo Answers,  http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070828081927AABIERF

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Flash Gordon Has Landed in Cookstown

Cannot Wait until July, 26, 2012 to See Man of La Mancha?

If So, I got a great Treat for you in store.  If you love Space Ships, and interglactic travel, take a trip down the 400 to Cookstown's Old Town Hall Theatre this weekend.  Come and See Snow White and the Seven Aliens and meet friends like Flash Gordon, Sergeant Sausage, and friends.  You get a chance to clap, sing, and have a ball. 


The Old Town Hall Theatre

1 Hamilton Street, Cookstown, ON

December 7, 2011 Viewing

On December 7, 2011, I scored a chance to see this wonderful show at the Old Town Hall Theatre because I know a few actors in the show.  Around Dusk, We were on the highway heading towards the city.  By 5:00 PM We arrived at the Town Hall Theatre and I got to meet a few new people and some old friends from Christmas Cafe', Aladdin, Music Music Music, etc.  At 7:15 PM the cast performed their favorite Warm-Up Songs like Mi Me Maw Mo Mu, and Number Song.  When you watch theatre, you will never get a chance to listne to warm-up songs unless you are in the show singing them yourself.  Another great warm-up song I love is Bella.  At 7:30, PM the show was underway.  Once the Curtain rose, it was time to take a Trip onboard the Space Shuttle to the Planet Z and Flarth to meet Flash Gordon and Snow White through song and dance.  Everyone will love to hear about a place where you drink brown stuff at a place called Hortons'.

Too Bad, So Sad, This show is O'er

Keep you ears to the Tracks for info on other shows by


Upcoming shows at the Old Town Hall theatre

Fireworks -- Feb, 2 - 19, 2012

The Pajama Game -- April 12 - 29, 2012

4 Play May 31 -- June 3, 2012

Keep your Ears to the Tracks at South Simcoe Theatre dot com for Details


A Free- Ad By Philip Lock Supporting Live Theatre in Simcoe County

Friday, December 2, 2011

Upcoming Events at the Mady Centre, Barrie's Downtown Community Theatre

Thank you for keeping your Ears to the Tracks, The Excitement is building over the first year of shows at the Mady Centre for the Performing Arts, Barrie's Downtown community Theatre.

December 2 - 3

Marmalade Christmas at the Mady

December 9, 2011

Rockin' Country Around The Christmas Tree

January 26 - Feb 4, 2012

February 10, 2012

Suduced By Shakespeare

A Special for Couples

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for Details at http://www.theatrebythebay.com/

March 29 - April 7, 2012

May 3 - 13

May 31 - June 9, 2012

July 26, 2012

Man of La Mancha

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for Showtimes and Details

Aug, 2012

Theatre By the Bay presents:

The Merry Wives of Windsor
By William Shakespeare

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for Details at Theatre By the Bay

Aug, 2012

Jacob Two Two, Meets the Hooded Fang

Keep your Ears to the Tracks at Theatre by the bay for Details and Show Times

Thank you for Supporting your Local Community Theatre.

A Free Info page for your Downtown Community Theatre.  Keep your Ears to the Tracks at

Monday, November 14, 2011

Haunted Houses Vs Hell Houses, Please visit a haunt that is safe and trustworthy

The Legend of Hell House

Legend has it, Fundamentalist Christian Churches down in Southern U.S of A decided to take their own spin on haunted attractions. If you are crazy enough to visit Hell House, you will be in for a surprise.

What should you expect to see in a Haunted Attraction?

If you are familiar with haunted attractions including The Darkness, Haunted Hollows, Halloween Haunt, or Screemers you expect to see beautiful zombies, clowns, ghosts, goblins. Their elements of scare include making noise and being unexpected.

What is a Hell House?

A Hell House has the same features of a traditional haunted house including actors, props, etc.  One of the key differences is the element of the Scare.  These haunted attractions are run by fundamentalist Christians in the Bible Belt.  Within these haunts, the actors will portray scenes of violence, satanic rituals, drug use, homosexuality, etc.  Many Hell House attractions may contain scenes that are too graphic and disturbing.

Wikipedia's Definition,

"Hell houses are haunted attractions typically run by American, fundamentalist Christian churches or parachurch groups. These depict sin, the torments of the damned in Hell, and usually conclude with a depiction of heaven. They are most typically operated in the days preceding Halloween." (hell house - wikipedia)

Elements of Scare

The Elements of Scare are not your typical Jump/Startle Scare.  Each scene inside the Hell House, the actors will re-create scenes of reality and sin.  They will scare you so much because if you do not accept Christ you could go to hell in a Hand Basket.  Almost all of the scenes are very graphic and disturbing.  Did you know that the key person in each scene dies and goes to hell.  Towards the end of the maze, there are scenes that depict Heaven and Hell.  You may arrive at the Pearly Gates of Heaven and find out that you have been cast into hell.  Once you enter Hell, you will meet Satan himself.  Following the Scene of Hell you will enter a plain room which is known as the Decision Room.

The Decision Room

After getting through the Hell House, a church member or pastor will talk to the group and ask you the scariest question ever.  "Where do you think you are going when you die?"  This question is a major thinker because many people who went through the haunt are very unsure.  The pastor may give you a 10 seconds to proceed to the next room where prayer councilors will talk to you 1 on 1 and accept Christ into your life.

Can you Chicken out of a Hell House?

All traditional haunted attractions have fire exits to use in case of a fire.  If you are a chicken and you want to exit the Power House of Terror, a Rover will help you Chicken out. Unfortunately, a rover will not come to the rescue if you need to chicken out of a Hell House in Texas.  The reason you cannot chicken out of Hell House is a safety concern. Once you enter, you must go through the Hell House and listen to a brief fire and brimstone sermon at the exit.

My Conclusions

I rather visit Haunted Hollows, Screemers, or Erebus Haunted attractions because their Elements of Scare are just plain fun and games.  If I took my children to a Hell House thinking it was a traditional haunt, my children could be traumatized for a long time.  Children do not deserve to see botched abortions, people killed in car crashes, etc.

Going to a haunt this Halloween?

If you are going to a haunt, you better do the research before you go.  If the haunt is run by any church or religious organization, you better steer clear of it.  Make sure that the haunt you plan to visit is on the safe list before you venture out.

Haunt Safe List.

Southern Ontario

Fear Farm, Bright Ontario

Haunted Hollows Scream Park, Newmarket, ON

King City Nightmares, Bolton, ON

Screemers, Vaughan, ON

The US of A

The Darkness, St Louis MO

Erebus, the Largest Haunted attraction in the World, Pontiac, MI

The Asylum Xperiment, Villa Park, IL (Permanently Closed)

The Haunted house Online Directory,  This site features mainly haunts that are safe for your eyes.

Thank you for reading this piece Halloween Information and you will not get scarred by the disturbances of Hell House.  I rather be scared by a zombie or a butcher at a traditional haunt.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Power House of Terror, Halloween Part 3

October 31, 2011, Happy Halloween

This is the closing night of the Power House of Terror.  After Halloween wraps up, it's time for uphill skiing and the Christmas Holidays.

This Half Scary, Half Non-Scary face gets in a car.  He is on his way to Much Music for the Final Push for Ticket Sales for the Power House of Terror

The Butcher of Quarantine Prison puts on his gloves.  He will be preparing eyeballs, arms, and other fresh meat for the zombies.

Would you like to Play a Game.  The Game Caller invites the guests of Carn Evil Manor to play a game and win one of these stuffed animals.  Unfortunatly, lot of carnival games, claw games are rigged.  Many carnival games do not pay out frequently or they do not make any money.

The Warden's office of Quarantine Prison.  Serious damage has been done to a fireproof cabnet.

The Police Land Rovers gather for the final pep talk with Lorn Andrews (founder of Power House of Terror)

The Actors all gather for Lorn Andrew's Final Pep Talk.

The Butcher is looking for some more fresh meat.  Click Here and listen to the Butcher's offer on meat

Lorn Andrews on the mic hyping up the volunteer actors before they hit the haunts for the final night of Scares and Screams.

Two Beautiful Zombies pose before they hit the haunt.  One of these beauties were in the Crates with me for the final night of screams.

Check out this beautiful zombie. 

A Power House of Terror Rep poses for the camera during an interview on closing night of Terror.

A Final shot of the Police Land Rovers who protected the actors and the props within all three attractions during the Power House of Terror.

A Power House of Terror Zombie emerges from the closet.

Zombie having a glass of choclate milk.  No more fresh meat for this zombie. 

A Zombie hiding behind some non scary movies.

This Zombie hides behind Grease, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Almost Famous.


Page Index

Power House of Terror, 2010

Power House of Terror, 2011

Power House of Terror, Halloween 2011

Power House of Terror, Halloween 2011 Page 2

Thursday, November 3, 2011

More Beautiful zombies

A Beautiful Zombie in line for the film War of the Dead.

This zombie's face has a beautiful yellow tinge. 

Beauty from the Power House of Terror

The Power House of Terror had an attraction featuring beautiful zombies you can admire when you visit.  If you were brave to get through Quarantine, You would remember seeing these beauties.

A zombie like doctor

She is the sweetest zombie you would ever see inside the Power House of Terror, of 2011.

 Watch out for the lumber jacks between Insidous and Carn Evil Manor.  This zombie loves to cut firewood.

Power House of Terror Zombie poses in the photo booth after an evening of scares.

This zombie is so pretty.  The teeth and the blood dripping down her face is beautiful.

A pretty zombie poses outside the Power House of Terror

A close-up of this beauty.  One side of her face is all bloody.

Two beauties pose during the closing ceremony of the Power House of Terror.

This zombie is so beautiful. 

This zombie in Quarantine emerges from behind a wooden crate.  If you visited the Power House of Terror on Octorber 21, 23, 27, 28, 30, or 31, you will remember seeing this one.   Someone who passed through on October 30th said that I was the cutest looking zombie she ever seen.

If you love zombies,  keep your ears to the tracks for more zombie postings for Zombie Walk of 2012.

Page Index

Zombies are Cute

Zombies are Cute, 2011

Zombies are Beautiful

Zombies are Beautiful A follow up on Zombies are Cute

Zombies are very beautiful to look at.  Here are some more great pictures of beautiful looking zombies from the Toronto Zombie Walk of 2011.

A Zombie from the Power House of Terror poses in a photo booth along the Zombie Walk Route.

Dosn't this guy look beautiful.  The blood dripping down his face.

An ape-like zombie appears on the Zombie Walk.

A bunch of Zombie nurses pose in front of the Bovine Club on Queen Street West

She is so beautiful.  Her white face wants to give her a kiss.   Your stomach will love the blood dripping down her mouth and onto her shirt.

She is so sweet.

Look at this beauty. Your Stomach will love it.

You could have met this clown in Carn Evil Manor.

Two Beauties having some lunch along the Zombie Walk route

A shirtless zombie.  Your stomach will love this.

Can you Stomach this picture

This zombie looks beautiful.  The Blood dripping down his mouth and onto his shirt.

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for more great photos of zombies of 2011.  Zombies are beautiful and cute.  Never shoot a zombie in the head.

Page Index

Zombies are Cute

Zombies are Cute, 2011

More Beautiful Zombies