Saturday, April 30, 2011

Barrie Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife Part XV, Easter Update

Five Points Theatre Build, 2011

Five Points Theatre, April 30, 2011

Happy Easter Update

Gray Styrofoam panels are installed over the blueskin. 

Crew members install the decorative brick over the Styrofoam panels

A Lunch Break Photo Op

Front of house work continues.  Crew members working with a scissor lift

Prospro's Cell.

Scaffolding is installed backstage.  Eventually the backstage wall will be blueskinned, and styrofoam panels will be installed before the decorative brick is installed

Crew members strike the scaffolding around the Front of House and than it's rebuilt backstage to finish off the decorative brick work.

Crew members installing gray styrofoam panels stage left.

A crew member on the roof.

Crew members  are blueskinning the upper stage left wall

Front of House Update, April 30, 2011

A glimpse into the Front of house on April 20, 2011.  Drywall is installed on the upper level.  I was hoping the upper level was going to be open.

An inner wall was installed in the entry way to the house to reduce light during the show.  Another wall is installed to cover up the duct work

Duct work is installed in the ceiling of the Front of House. 

Previous Page:  Palm Sunday Update Next Page:   Mother's Day Update 

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Exciting Links


Monday, April 18, 2011

Barrie Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife, Part XIV Passion Week Update

Five Points Theatre

 Passion Week, 2011 Update

On the days leading up to Palm Sunday, scaffolding was put up around the Front of House.

Crew work with the Manulift help install the Wind Barrior on the front of house.

Crew loading building materials on to the upper level of scaffolding.

Crew working on the roof of the house.

Crew members install Blueskin on the wall below the backstage loading door.

A dolly and some scrap skids are lowered by crane.

A green compressed gas tank is hoisted onto the roof of the house by crane

Cement mix is loaded into the mixer.

A signal man directs traffic during construction.

A wind barrier is installed on the front of house.

Previous Page April 13th Update Next Page:  End of April Update

Proudly Presents:

William Shakespeare's The Tempest,

June 30 - July 16, 2011

at the 

Georgian College Theatre

1 Georgian Drive, Barrie, ON

Sponsored by TD Canada Trust

Order tickets by calling 705-735-9243

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife Part XIII, April 13, update

Five Points Theatre, April 13, 2011, Update

 The Downtown Community Theatre is getting closer to completion.  When that day arrives, Prospero, Miranda and Ariel will arrive for that 8:00 PM show of William Shakespeare's The Tempest on June 30, 2011.

The Kubota Tank and a crew member work in a trench behind Prospero's Cell (Backstage Left).

A crane hoists a wheelbarrow and a tar bucket into the air.

Scaffolding was installed in Prospero's Cell (Backstage).  A crew member carries some wood planks from inside the house.  Some exterior brick is gradually installed stage right.

  Crew members continue work in Prospero's Cell.

Crew members start working on installing the insulation on the top floor of the Front of House.

A crew member finishes an inner wall in Prospero's Cell.

Previous Page April 8th Update  Next Page Passion Week Update

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for more updates on the construction of a Great Fortress For a Rightful Duke Of Milan.

Page Index

1. Introduction

2. The Glory Days

3. The Demoliton

4. The Build

5. The Build Continues

6. The Fourth Wall

7. St. Patrick's Day Update

8. Spring Update

9. March 24th Update

10. April Fools Update 

11. April Fools Update Part II

12. The April 8 Update 

13. Passion Week Update

14. Easter / End of April Update 

15. Mother's Day Update 

16. Lion King Update   

17. Victoria Day Update 

18. May 26, Update 

19. Celebrate Barrie Update

20. The Pentecostal Update 

21. Canada Day Update

22. The Tempest Update 

23. Post Surgery Update

24. Grand Opening Update

 Exciting Links 

Theatre By the Bay

Talk Is Free Theatre

Friday, April 8, 2011

Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife Part XII, April 8 Update

 Five Points Theatre
April 8th, 2011 Update

Work continues on the Downtown Community Theatre.  Some inner walls have taken shape and some surgery is being performed backstage.  The Compound around the fortress had to be expanded in order to get the cherry picker and scaffolding around the building.

Some duct work for the theatre sits on stage.

A crew member works alongside the Kubota Tank backstage

A temporary railing is placed on the backstage door before the Kubota Tank makes an incision

More work is being done in the Front of House

Crew members put a plank on the scaffolding in the front of house

A crew member working on the roof of the house

The Kubota Tank performs another incision backstage

Page Index

2. The Glory Days

3. The Demolition

4. The Build

5. The Build Continues

6. The Fourth Wall

7. St Patrick's Day Update

8. Spring Update

9. March, 24th Update

11. April Fools Update Part II

12. April 13th Update 

13. Palm Sunday Update

16. Lion King Update   

17. Victoria Day Update 

18. May 26, Update 

19. Celebrate Barrie Update

20. The Pentecostal update

21. Canada Day Update

22. The Tempest Update 

23. Post Surgery Update

24. Grand Opening Update

Friday, April 1, 2011

Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife April Fools Update Part II

The Five Points Theatre

April Fools Day Part II

This is the second part of the April Fools Day Update on the Surgery of The Downtown Community Theatre.

 Front of House

Crew work on another inner wall on the second floor in the Front of house

 Section of Scaffolding is removed on the facade of the theatre.  Crew will be starting to work on the facade of the theatre soon.

A stack of cinder blocks are loaded into the building

Page Index

3. The Demoltion

4. The Build 

5. The Build Continues

6. The Fourth Wall

7. St. Patrick's Day Update

8.  Spring Update

9. March 24th Update

10. April Fools Update

11. April 8th Update 

12. April 13th update 

13. Palm Sunday Update

14. Easter / End of April Update

15. Mother's Day Update 

16. Lion King Update   

17. Victoria Day Update 

18. May 26, Update 

19. Celebrate Barrie Update

20. The Pentecostal update

21. Canada Day Update

22. The Tempest Update  

23. Post Surgery Update

24. Grand Opening Update

Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife Part X, April Fools Updates

The Downtown Community Theatre's surgery is almost in its final phase.  The roof has been installed and the backstage stairway is taking shape. 

The Roof

 Construction crew work hard to get the roof installed on the house


 Backstage Stairway

In the Meantime, work crew install scaffolding in the backstage area.  New walls are installed between the stage and the Back Stage stairway.  These stairways are passageways for the actors to their dressing rooms for costume changes, make up, etc.

 A crew member saws a brick before it's installed in the backstage area

When the wall is finally installed, the white curtain is removed.

The Tank Returns to perform in incision on Stage Right.  Utility lines will be hooked up to the theatre soon.

Previous Page:  March 24th Update  Next Page: April Fools Day Part II

The Table of Contents of March, 2011

1. Introduction

2. The Glory Days

3. The Demoliton

4. The Build

5. The Build Continues

6. The Fourth Wall

7. St. Patrick's Day Update

8. Spring Update

9. March 24th Update

10. April Fools Update Part II

11. The April 8 Update 

12. The April 13th Update 

13. Palm Sunday Update

14. Easter/ End of April Update

15. Mother's Day Update 

16. Lion King Update   

17. Victoria Day Update 

18. May 26, Update 

19. Celebrate Barrie Update

20. The Pentecostal update

21. Canada Day Update

22. The Tempest Update

23. Post Surgery Update

24. Grand Opening Update