Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Barrie Downtown Theatre: Under the Knife Part III, The Demolition

After Music Music Music has wrapped up, Barrie Council approved to demolish the old Bank Theatre in June, 2010.  The theatre sat dark except for a few one - two day shows in the venue.  In June of 2010, the venue was handed over to The Lions Demolition Excavation Crew.

Pre Demolition

Before anything was to take place around the building, a wooden barrier is erected around the theatre.  Once the barrier is up, nobody is able to enter the theatre until the new one is complete.

Construction walls getting erected

A last glimpse into the theatre lobby

One final look inside the performance space

The 9 Mile Portage Mural was painted on the back of the old Bank.  This mural was painted by Scott A. Crew in 2000.  This mural shows the eastern terminus of the 9 Portage between Kempenfelt Bay and the Nottawasaga River.

The Tank (excavator) arrives at the Theatre.  The theatre is now a fenced compound.  Only the Lions Crew can enter the venue.  Theatre By the Bay's Production "The Taming of the Shrew" and "Aladdin and Jasmine's Summer Adventure" were housed in the Grand Theatre of the Imperial Cinemas.

The Demolition


Some Remains of the 9 Mile Portage Mural in a excavator bucket. 

A large truck hauls out the scraps of the Old Bank Theatre. 

The Excavation

The downtown Theatre is fully demolished and the Excavation is under way. The Theatre must be complete for Robert Joy's Arrival.

A large pit getting excavated.  This pit will become the basement.

The Pit now takes centre stage starring a CAT tank excavating the east wall.

 The Theatre's Basement is almost ready for the concrete.

 Previous Page: The Glory Days of this Old Bank Theatre Next Page:  The Build of the Great Fortress of Prospero

He will be playing as Prospero in the Tempest. 

At the Georgian College Theatre
1 Georgian Drive, Barrie, ON

Between June 30 - July 16, 2011

For Tickets log on to
or call 705-735-9243

Page Index
1. Introduction

2. Glory Days

3. The Build

4. The Build Continues

5. The fourth Wall

6. St Patrick's Day Update

7. Spring Update

8. March 24th Update

9. April Fools Update

10. April Fools Update Part II

11. April 8, 2011 Update

12. April 13, 2011 Update

13. Palm Sunday Update

14. Easter / End of April Update  

15. Mother's Day Update 

16. Lion King Update   

17. Victoria Day Update 

18. May 26, Update 

19. Celebrate Barrie Update

20. The Pentecostal update

21. Canada Day Update  

22. The Tempest Update 

23. Post Surgery Update

24. Grand Opening Update 


Nine Mile Portage Mural - Barrie Ontario,  Murals on,

Downtown Community Theatre Consultation Group, DTCT Being Built Album,

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