Monday, August 15, 2011

Barrie Downtown Community Theatre: Under The Knife Part XXIV

Post Surgery Update

August, 15, 2011

I finally got to take a sneak peak inside the Downtown Community Theatre for the first time.  The bulk of the surgery is complete.  The painters are making the finishing touches as I toured around the building.  The building will officially open on September 10, 2011 if everything goes according to plan.

The Exterior of the Five Points Theatre, formerly known as the Mady Centre for the Performing Arts (Downtown Community Theatre)

  Looking through the bay window onto Dunlop and Bayfield Street.

Inside the house of the Downtown Community Theatre.

The seats all fold into the walls.  Various theatre companies can configure the seating to how they would like it.

A crew member paints another coat on a wall by the mens room 

The dressing rooms have their own washroom and showers for the actors.  Before the Grand Opening, these rooms will be furnished.

The Backstage Staircase.  Actors can easily get from their dressing rooms to stage level smoothly.

Looking down to the stage from the balcony.
Looking downstage from the balcony towards the sound / tech booth

The new catwalk grid inside the Downtown Community Theatre.  It took a large crane to install the catwalks and the trusses

Another point of view from the catwalk and lighting grid

The Theatre Technician installs the first stage light on the truss.

A crew member paints the first coat on the roll-up door backstage.

Looking into the house from the sound / tech booth.

Inside the main foyer of the Downtown Community Theatre

The roll-up door will be painted a dark grey to match all the rest of the building's colour scheme.  The colour scheme is a combination of black, olive green, and dark grey.

There is tones of more work to be done on the Downtown Community Theatre before the offical opening on September 10, 2011.  Furniture has to be installed in the dressing rooms, offices, etc.

What do you think Theatre By the bay will show for the 2012's Main Company?

Theatre by the Bay will more likely show one of Shakespeare's comedies and below is a list of the shows that they may show.  The titles that are in bold were already shown and they may not be seen for 100 years.

The Tempest, Shown in 2011 at the Georgian Theatre (Formerly known as Gryphon Theatre)

The Merry Wives of Windsor Will be showing at the Mady Centre, Barrie's Downtown Community Theatre in Aug, 2012

The Comedy of Errors, Shown in 2005 Under the Big Top 

Much Ado About Nothing, Shown in 2006 at the Mclaren Art Centre

A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shown in 2002 Under the Big Top, Also shown in 2008 at Heritage Park 

The Merchant of Venice

As You Like It, Shown in 2004 Under the Big Top

The Taming of the Shrew, Shown in 2010 at the Grand Theatre

All's Well That Ends Well

Twelfth Night, shown in 2009 at the Downtown Community Theatre

The Winter's Tale

Pericles, Prince of Tyre

The Two Noble Kinsmen

It is now Official, Theatre By the Bay decided to show the Merry Wives of Windsor at the Mady Centre.  Thank you for guessing, Please come out and Volunteer with Theatre By the Bay and reap the rewards of watching great professional theatre.

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