Friday, April 1, 2011

Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife Part X, April Fools Updates

The Downtown Community Theatre's surgery is almost in its final phase.  The roof has been installed and the backstage stairway is taking shape. 

The Roof

 Construction crew work hard to get the roof installed on the house


 Backstage Stairway

In the Meantime, work crew install scaffolding in the backstage area.  New walls are installed between the stage and the Back Stage stairway.  These stairways are passageways for the actors to their dressing rooms for costume changes, make up, etc.

 A crew member saws a brick before it's installed in the backstage area

When the wall is finally installed, the white curtain is removed.

The Tank Returns to perform in incision on Stage Right.  Utility lines will be hooked up to the theatre soon.

Previous Page:  March 24th Update  Next Page: April Fools Day Part II

The Table of Contents of March, 2011

1. Introduction

2. The Glory Days

3. The Demoliton

4. The Build

5. The Build Continues

6. The Fourth Wall

7. St. Patrick's Day Update

8. Spring Update

9. March 24th Update

10. April Fools Update Part II

11. The April 8 Update 

12. The April 13th Update 

13. Palm Sunday Update

14. Easter/ End of April Update

15. Mother's Day Update 

16. Lion King Update   

17. Victoria Day Update 

18. May 26, Update 

19. Celebrate Barrie Update

20. The Pentecostal update

21. Canada Day Update

22. The Tempest Update

23. Post Surgery Update

24. Grand Opening Update 

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