Thursday, May 26, 2011

Barrie Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife Part XIX

It's Getting Closer

The Final Phase of the Surgery is now underway.  Unfortunately, the surgeon said that the theatre will not be ready on time and Robert Joy will be performing at the Georgian Theatre

A crew member is working on installing the elevator door frame

The Elevator Door frame on the main floor is installed.

On May 24, 2011; Barrie Metro Glass arrives at the theatre to check out the windows

Crew members get started on the paint job in the front of house

A crew member finishes the day's paint job in the front of house.

A bird sits in the window of the front of house at the end of a hard day's work.  I hope this bird wants to see the show.

Crew members install the second row of Pink Panther Panels on the Stage right wall of the house.

On May 25th, 2011.  Another Milestone arrives.  Barrie Metro Glass returns to install the large panes of glass in the Front of House.

Barrie Metro Glass installs the third pane of glass on the Front of House.

The Crew member on the cherrypicker carefully installs the third pane of glass in the frame.  It takes a lot of patience to install each panel.

Crew members of Barrie Metro Glass install the fourth pane of glass in the Front of House.

The Surgery of the Downtown Theatre will continue into June and keep your ears to the tracks at this blog for more updates until Robert Joy arrives.

Previous Page: The Victoria Day Update Next Page:  the Celebrate Barrie Update

If you are excited to See CSI NY'S Robert Joy as Prospero?  

At the Georgian College Theatre
1 Georgian Drive, Barrie, ON

call us at 705-735-9243
or E-mail us at

Page Index

Easter  / End of April Update

Mother's Day Update 

The Lion King Update 

Victoria Day Update

Celebrate Barrie Update

The Pentecostal update

Canada Day Update

The Tempest Update

Post Surgery Update

Grand Opening Update
Exciting Links

Theatre By the Bay

Talk is Free Theatre


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Barrie Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife Part XVIII, Victoria Day Update

Happy Victoria Day, 2011

The Surgery is nearing complete on the exterior of the Barrie Downtown Community Theatre

Crew members work on the ceiling framework on the cherry picker.

The Manulift removes the fork lift from the house

Pink Panther insulation panels will be installed on the stage right wall

Glen Coulson talks about the Barrie Downtown Theatre and the upcoming productions of the Tempest and Treasure Island: The Pirate Musical which both will be opening on Canada Day weekend

Concrete boards are installed on the south wall of the Front of House.  The Concrete boards are for dampening the sound in the House.

A glimpse in the Front of house through the front window

Crew members work on the ceiling in the Front of House

May 19, 2011

One row of Pink Panther panels are installed on the blueskinned section of the Stage Right wall. 

The framework is finally installed.  Soon the glass will be installed.  The interior decorating will be finished before Robert Joy's arrival

Ceiling panels are installed in the Front of House

Keep your ears to the tracks for final coming updates on this project and CSI NY's Robert Joy's Arrival on June 30, 2011

Previous Page: The Lion King Update Next: May 29th Update

Page Index

Easter  / End of April Update

Mother's Day Update 

The Lion King Update 

May 26th Update

Celebrate Barrie Update

The Pentecostal update

Canada Day Update  

The Tempest Update 

Post Surgery Update

Grand Opening Update
Exciting Links

Barrie Dept. of Culture

Barrie Arts Directory

Theatre By the Bay

Talk is Free Theatre

Scott A. Hurst, Local actor / Director from Barrie, ON

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Barrie Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife Part XVII, Lion King Update

The Five Points Theatre

The Lion King Update

This is a special update of the Downtown Community Theatre.  On May 18th, 2011 I will be visiting the Princess of Whales Theatre to see the Lion King.

Hakuna Matata

On this Special Update, Crew members have finally finished installing the Decorative brick.

Barrie's Five Points Theatre progress photo, May 14, 2011

Five Points Theatre Construction
May 10th, 2011: Furnace / AC Load-In Day

A large flatbed truck hauls in the Furnace / AC unit to the theatre.

The Furnace is brought to you by Carrier, Heating and Air Conditioning, "Custom Made Indoor Weather"

Crew members direct the crane and hook up a piece of the furnace to the crane

Crew members hook up more heating / AC appliances to the crane to be loaded into the theatre

Crew members work diligently to get the decorative brick finished

May, 12, 2011: Scaffolding Strike Day
On May, 12, 2011, the decorative brick is finally installed,  the crew members start striking the scaffolding.


A crew member starts striking the scaffolding behind Prospero's Cell

  The Front of house is slowly taking shape.  some drywall is installed on the inner walls.

The railing on the stairs is installed without its finish

On Friday, May 13th, 2011, The scaffolding is all taken down.  The wooden planks are lined up backstage.

On Saturday May 14th, 2011, Crew members work installing the framework for a drop ceiling with the aid of the Genie S-65 Boom lift and Scissor Lift

Previous Page:  Mother's Day Update  Next Page: Victoria Day Update

and Treasure Island, the Pirate Musical

At The Georgian College Theatre,
1 Georgian Drive, Barrie, ON

Page Index

Easter  / End of April Update

Mother's Day Update 

Victoria Day Update 

May 26 Update

Celebrate Barrie Update

The Pentecostal update

Canada Day Update 

The Tempest Update 

Post Surgery Update

Grand Opening Update

Friday, May 6, 2011

Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife Part XVI, Mother's Day Update

Five Points Theatre 

The Downtown Community Theatre on May, 6, 2011
Happy Mother's Day, 2011

The Downtown Community Theatre is going up on the right track.

A crew member does a grinding job on the decorative beam.

The Blueskinning of the backstage is almost finished

Crew members install styrofoam panels on the east wall.

A crew member awaits some wooden planks that are to be loaded onto the top level of the scaffolding

Crew members insert the final styrofoam panel on the east wall

Some Crew members start installing the final sheets of blue skin on the back wall of Prospero's Cell

A crew member sticks on the final section of blueskin on Prospero's Cell

Crew members start to install the decorative brick on the southeast corner of the building.

The Roofing Crew start loading up their gear into the truck.

Crew load the decorative brick onto the scaffold with the Manulift

Work Crew work hard to get the decorative brick installed on the southwest corner of the theatre

Federal Elevators backs into the Front of House to start working on the elevator.

More Decorative brick is loaded onto the scaffolding.

A Crew member performs a small excavation on a mini tank (Excavator)

Another Glimpse of the Front of House.  As of May 6th, 2011.  Some drywall is installed on second floor wall.

On May 9th, the Downtown Community Theatre is completely blueskinned and most of the decorative brick is up. What will happen to the blueskinned sections of the building will be a different exterior wall finish of a darker colou

Decorative brick sits on the scaffolding, ready to be installed on the upper wall of Prospero's Cell

 Previous Page: The Easter Update  Next Page: The Lion King Update here

Keep your Ears to the Tracks for more excitement on the Downtown Community Theatre and C.S.I. N.Y.'s Robert Joy's Visit to Barrie.

Feel Free to donate $50 - $5,000 
And Support
Live Professional Theatre in Barrie, ON

Page Index

Easter  / End of April Update

Lion King Update 

Victoria Day Update 

May 26 Update

Celebrate Barrie Update

The Pentecostal update

Canada Day Update 

The Tempest Update 

Post Surgery Update

Grand Opening Update