Friday, June 10, 2011

Barrie Downtown Community Theatre: Under The Knife Part XXI

The Five Points Theatre
The Pentecostal Update, 2011

The Holy Spirit Comes down to Earth and the Lion King closes to a sold out run at the Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto.

June 5, 2011

A crew member checks something in the ceiling

Cement is loaded into the house

A crew member screws a door frame in Prospero's Cell

Crew members install the second last Durock Panel on Prospero's Cell

June 6, 2011

Tiling has begun on the Stage Right wall of the house

Crew members wedge in some pink insulation on the top of Prospero's Cell

All the glass has been installed in the front of house

June 7, 2010

Tiling continues on the Stage Right wall of the house

A crew member installs some decorative light fixtures in the upper beam of Prospero's Cell

Work Continues inside the house before Robert Joy arrives in the next two weeks

June 10, 2011

On this day, We have learned that the theatre will not be ready for CSI NY's Robert Joy.  Instead, Robert Joy will be attending the Georgian College Theatre between June 30 - July 26, 2011.

Crew members load on a decorative frame for the windows onto the Cherry Picker

A crew member installs a decorative frame on the windows.

By the end of the day,  The tile is more than half done.  Crew will return and finish it soon.

Previous Page: Celebrate Barrie Update  Next Page: Canada Day Update

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Easter  / End of April Update

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Celebrate Barrie Update

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Barrie Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife Part XX

Five Points Theatre 

Celebrate Barrie, June, 2011

Crew members work inside the house to get it ready for that big day.

Crew members finish installing Pink Panther insulation panels.

May 31 - June 1, 2011

On May 30th, work crew started installing Durock Cement panels on the east exterior wall.

On May 31, 2011 Crew members finally finished installing the Durock Panels on the Stage Right Wall

This is some great progress on the Downtown Theatre.  This crew member starts to install a tile finish on a wall in the Front of House.

Crew members using a level and taking a measurement.

A crew member continues to install the decorative tile finish in the front of house.

June 1, 2011

On the Second of June, Crews continue to work and catch up due to the rainfall in May.  Pink Panther panels are being installed on the Backstage wall (Prospero's Cell).  Crew members work hard inside the house on scissor lifts

A crew member install a new door.

A crew member cuts a piece of Pink Panther Insulation.

The Crew member wedges the piece of insulation behind the beam on Prospero's Cell

Elevator interior panels stacked beside the elevator

A crew member continues working on the decorative tile in the Front of House

June 2, 2011

Crew members load and install the decorative panels into the elevator car

Crew members work hard getting the Pink Panther Panels installed on the Back of House (Prospero's Cell)

Crew members continue installing decorative tile in the Front of House

By the end of the day, The Pink Panther Panels are almost installed.  Crew members have to cut and wedge the last few panels along the beam.

June 3, 2011

A crew member is taking measurements before the first Durock Cememt Board is installed on the Backstage wall

Crew members replace the concrete on the curb on Bayfield Street.

A Crew member measuring off a Durock Panel.

Over the Lunch hour, one painter makes his final brushstroke on the Stage Right Fire Door.

Two Durock Cement Panels are now installed on Prospero's Cell

By the end of the day, Crews installed the roll-up door on Prospero's Cell.  More work will continue inside the house.

The first five decorative tiles are installed on the Stage Right wall.

These crew members worked over the supper hour getting the vestibule installed.

Previous Page:  May 26 Update  Next Page: The Pentecost Update

Page Index

Easter  / End of April Update

Mother's Day Update 

The Lion King Update 

Victoria Day Update 

May 26, Update

The Pentecostal update

Canada Day Update

The Tempest Update 

Post Surgery Update

Grand Opening Update

Exciting Links

Theatre By the Bay

Talk is Free Theatre