Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Barrie Downtown Theatre: Under the Knife, Part IX,

March 24th update

The build must be finished by June 20, 2011, in order for Theatre by the Bay to move in for Tech Week and pre-show rehearsals.

Barrie's Five Points Theatre, March 22, 2011

Crew continue to work on the ceiling truss.

Scaffolding is installed in the backstage area.  Another wall would be installed dividing the Backstage stairway and the stage.

Badger Daylighting makes a non-invasive excavation backstage.  Badger uses a water and vacuum system to perform an excavation without harming utility lines.

The Front of House roof was installed on March, 22, 2011.

Keep you Ears to the Tracks on the Progress of the Downtown Community Theatre

Page Index

1. Introduction

2. The Glory Days

3. The Demolition

4. The Build

5. The Build Continues

6. The Fourth Wall

7. St Patrick's Day Update

8. Spring Update

9. April Fools Update

10. April Fools Update Part II

11. The April 8 Update 

12. The April 13th Update

13. Palm Sunday Update

14. Easter / End of April Update

15. Mother's Day Update 

16. Lion King Update   

17. Victoria Day Update 

18. May 26, Update 

19. Celebrate Barrie Update

20. The Pentecostal update

21. Canada Day Update 

22. The Tempest Update 

23. Post Surgery Update

24. Grand Opening Update

Exciting Links

Theatre By the Bay

Talk is Free Theatre

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife Part VIII, Spring Update

The First Day of Spring Update

On Saturday March 19, 2011, The Grand Valley Crane hoists large beams into the house

A large crane arrives on site to load in beams and rails

Crew members load in the rails for the lighting grid with the assistance of the crane 

On March 22, 2011, a steel frame is installed around the centre stage door

Will the Downtown Community Theatre be substantially built on time?  If so, Keep you ears to the tracks for more updates on the Downtown Theatre.  

Log onto Theatre By the for upcoming performances by Theatre By the Bay

Page Index

1 Introduction

2 The Glory Days

3 The Demoliton

4. The Build

5. The Build Continues

6. The Fourth Wall

7. St. Patrick's Day

8. March 24th Update

9. April Fools Update

10. April Fools Update Part II

11. April 8, 2011 Update

12. April 13, 2011 Update 

13. Palm Sunday Update

14. Easter / End of April Update

15. Mother's Day Update 

16. Lion King Update  

17. Victoria Day Update 

18. May 26, Update 

19. Celebrate Barrie Update

20. The Pentecostal update

21. Canada Day Update

22. The Tempest Update  

23. Post Surgery Update

24. Grand Opening Update 

Exciting Links

Theatre by the Bay

Talk is Free Theatre

The Diesel Playhouse, March 21, 2011

On March 21, 2011, I took a visit to the Diesel Playhouse to see what it looks like this day.  The Large black banner has been removed revealing the brick of the theatre without the Diesel Playhouse Sign sticking out the window.

Approaching the Diesel Playhouse on Blue Jays Way.  This was the route I took to the Diesel Playhouse when I got off the bus and made that triumphal Walk to the 8:00 show

A new banner has been hung over the Large bay window over the entrance to the Diesel Playhouse.



The old entrance to Jeff Healey's Roadhouse is the office for Bisha Hotel and Residence.  If you had lot's of money, you could live in the Diesel Playhouse and dream about watching Evil Dead the Musical in the Splatter Zone

Approaching The Diesel Playhouse from the Second City

The Diesel Playhouse marks the T-junction at the end of Mercer Street and Blue Jays Way

Watch the video presentation below to and remember the Greatest Show of the Diesel Playhouse

Page Index

Diesel Playhouse Main Page

Life and Death of the DIESEL Playhouse Part 1

Life and Death of the DIESEL Playhouse Part 2

-- free ad by Phil --

Hello Deadites!
  Since the house of the Dead is no more,  The Zombies now occupy Theatre Passe Muraille in Nictophobia Films Production of Night of the Living Dead Live.

Now Playing Until May 19, 2013

Theatre Passe Muraille
16 Ryerson Ave, Toronto Ontario

Tickets can be ordered online at Night Of The Living Dead Live dot Com or by calling the Theatre Passe Muraille Arts Box Offices at 416-504-7529

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Barrie Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife Part VII

On March 17th,  the white curtian was removed from the theatre.
A large gap for a roll-up door to be installed centre stage. 


Emergency exits are located on either side of the stage.  Audience members or actors can use them in the case of a fire or emergency.
March 18th, 2011,  The Manu Lift removes wooden planks from the scaffolding as it was taken down from centre stage. 

The Crew finally finished the Fourth Wall.  Scafolding has been removed from the house

The Four walls of the Theatre are now standing.  The roof and decorative brick will be installed soon.  More work will continue in the front of house and the house. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Barrie Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife Part VI, The Fourth Wall

The Fourth Wall of the Great Fortress of Prospero

The ceiling truss is almost finished.  There is a few more pieces of the catwalk on the ground that still need to be put up on the truss

Another backstage glimpse into the the house while under construction.

On March 9th, 2011, The crew put scaffolding across the stage.

Construction Crew do some work on the ceiling truss in the house.

The Atlas Brick Truck delivers a load of cinder blocks.  The blocks are loaded into the house with a fork lift

Front of House Preview

A white curtain has been installed on the elevator door on the ground floor

Another Sneak Peak into the house. via  the Front of  house.

Previous Page: The Build Continues   Next Page: St Patrick's Day

Page Index

16. Lion King Update   

17.Victoria Day Update 

18. May 26, Update 

19. Celebrate Barrie Update

20. The Pentecostal update

21. Canada Day Update

22. The Tempest Update  

23. Post Surgery Update

24. Grand Opening Update 

Exciting Links

Friday, March 4, 2011

Barrie Downtown Community Theatre: Under the Knife V, The Build Continues

The Five Points Theatre

The Great Fortress of Prospero is Rising

On March 3, 2011, a steel frame was installed on the third floor in the Front of House

The Roof

On March 4, 2011 the crew hoisted large beams onto the house with a large crane.  This picture was taken from Barrie's Department of Culture office (Barrie Transit Terminal)

The cross beam was lowered into position.

Two out of five cross beams are in the house

The Crew get the third beam ready to be placed in the house

The Third beam is hoisted and lowered into the house

By 2:00 PM all five cross beams are now in the house. 

More concrete is poured into the front of house

Most of the truss in the house is complete. 

Previous Page: The Build/Foundation and Walls Next Page: The Fourth Wall of Fortress of Prospero

  Please support Barrie's Local theatre and culture by visiting these sites

Theatre By the Bay

Talk is Free Theatre

Kempenfelt Community Players
Page Index

1. Introduction

2. The Glory Days in the Old Bank

3. The Demolition

4. The Build / Foundation and walls

5. The Fourth Wall

6. St Patrick's Day Update

7. Spring Update

8. March 24th Update

9. April Fools Update

10. April Fools Update Part II

11. April 8, 2011 Update

12. April 13, 2011 Update 

13. Palm Sunday Update

14. Easter / End of April Update

15. Mother's Day Update 

16. Lion King Update  

17. Victoria Day Update 

18. May 26, Update 

19. Celebrate Barrie Update

20. The Pentecostal update

21. Canada Day Update 

22. The Tempest Update 

23. Post Surgery Update

24. Grand Opening Update 

Your Children will be excited to meet Long John Silver and friends in

At the Georgian College Theatre
1 Georgain Drive, Barrie, ON

Don't Forget! Following the show you can Meet and greet with the Characters and get your face painted for $2.00
Photo ops with your favorite pirate are Priceless

Tickets are on sale Now

$10.00 for Groups

Show opens, July 2, 2011 at 11:00 AM or 2:30 PM.
Call 707-735-9243  for details

A free ad supporting live professional Theatre in Barrie, ON

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Barrie Downtown Theatre: Under the Knife Part IV, The Build of a Great Fortress

The Five Points Theatre

 The Basement

When building a new building,  It's Important to start at the bottom and work your way up.  The concrete is poured into the foundation.

The Basement of the Theatre is now complete. Beams are now placed at stage level. Dec 2010

The Walls

In January of 2011,  Scaffolding is now in place.  It's now time to start working on the walls of the Fortress of Prospero

The Fortress of Prospro is Rising

On March 2, 2011, The Walls of Propero's Great Fortress are now almost complete.  Roof Beams are now placed in the Front of House.  Prospero (Robert Joy) will arrive at this grand fortress on June 30th, 2011 for The Maiden Showing of William Shakespeare's The Tempest.

The Fortress of Prospero is three stories high.  An extension ladder is the only way to get to the second floor because the grand staircase and the elevator have not been installed yet.

Barrie's Five Points Theatre taking shape, March 2, 2011

A Giant Crane sits outside the Fortress.  This crane will hoist beams from stage level to form the roof.

First glimpse at the front of house of Barrie's Five Points Theatre, Mar 2, 2011

I may be standing where the green tank is handing out programs and telling people to "Enjoy the Show." as a Theatre By the Bay Volunteer. All kinds of wood and construction stuff sits on stage at this moment of the Build.

If you are a fan of CSI NY, Canadian Actor, Robert Joy (Dr.Sid Hammerback) will be making a special appearance as Prospero.


William Shakespeare's The Tempest

at the Georgian College Theatre

1 Georgian Drive. 

The show starts on June 30, 2011 at 8:00 PM.  

or Call 705-735-9243 for Details

Tickets: 25.00 for Adults
               23.00 for Students and Seniors
               21.00 for Groups

Page Index

1. Introduction

2. The Glory Days

3. The Demolition

4. The Build Continues

5. The Fourth Wall

6. St Patrick's Day Update

7. Spring Update

8. March 24th Update 

9. April Fools Update

10. April Fools Update Part II

11. April 8, 2011 Update

12. April 13, 2011 Update 

13. Palm Sunday Update

14. Easter / End of April Update

15. Mother's Day Update 

16. Lion King Update   

17. Victoria Day Update 

18. May 26, Update 

19. Celebrate Barrie Update

20. The Pentecostal update

21 Canada Day Update

22. The Tempest Update

23. Post Surgery Update

24. Grand Opening Update