Tuesday, September 28, 2010

NES Games I Borrowed or Rented

When I had my NES, I borrowed and rented many games.


Donkey Kong (borrwed)

I borrowed this game off my Aunt Cindy for a week.  I managed to get to the third level and the game had to go back to Cindy.

Legend of Zelda ( rental)

This was the first game I ever rented from Jumbo Video in Newmarket.  Jumbo Video was located at 20 Davis Drive.

Xexyz (Rental)

This was some outer space game that I rented at Jumbo Video.  I was partial interested into this game because I could not get past the first level.  The object of the first level was to find a key to get into the mechanical castle.  At the time I rented this game, I was looking for the game Metroid.

Goonies II (rental and Borroewd)

This was one of my favorite Konami Games that I played.  The music caught my attention.  I first rented this game at Jumbl Video and borrowed a copy off my school teacher.

Batman (Rental X 2)

I rented Batman from Jumbo Video in Newmarket.  I was interested in this game because of the music in the first level.  When I played it for the first time, I got to the first boss and got killed.

Mega Man II (rental)

I rented this game from Mr Video.  Mr Video was a small video store in the town of Mt Albert on the corner of Centre and Bank Street.  I was quite intrigued with this game because of the music and game play.  I did not like the game at the time because the Quick Man stage had a freak out.  The beams that come across the board made a freaky noise.  I did not want to play that level at all.


Castlevania II, Simon's Quest (rental)

I rented this game from Jumbo Video in the winter of 1991.  This was a interesting game because it featured towns and adventure.  I played this game through until I hit a marsh on Dabi's Path.  When I walk into a marsh the screen will flash red as my energy gets drained.  As I continue playing the game, I did not want to go into marsh because of the flashing screen.

Fantasy Zone (rental)

I rented this game at Jumbo Video.  I played this game for awhile and I did not know what to do.

Super Sprint (rental)

This was an overhead racing game that I could not get the car moving.  All I could do is rotate the car in circles by rotation on the D Pad.  I shut this game off.

Video Games of the Lockport INN, 1991

Aunt Cindy rented a NES while staying at the Lockport INN.  There were five games available to play when you rent the NES.  This was the first time playing Nintendo in a hotel room.

Friday the 13th

This game interested me because it was an adventure like game.  The object of the game is to fight off Jason Vorhees.  When I played it, I did not who what to do.  I just explored the levels and the cave.  I got stuck in the woods at a house where you need a key to get into.  When I got to the part where I needed a key, I just reset the game.  When I first put the game on, It was very important to hit the start butten right away or you will see a screen flash freak out. 

Road Blasters

Road Blasters is like a racing game where you can blast other cars.  The object of the game is to finsish the rallies before you run out of fuel.  I did not get too much into this game.

Mega Man II Again

I finally got an opportunity to play Mega Man II again.  I finally gotten over the Quick Man Beam Freak Out this time.  I started to like this game on the second time playing it.  My favorite soundtrack for Mega Man II is Wood Man's Stage.

Xexyz again

I gave this game another shot.  The results of finding the key to the mechanical castle was the same.  All I did was wonder around the level collecting E.

Dr Mario

This is the mario theme puzzle game where you line up the pills to clear the three viruses.  Theres red, blue, and yellow.  The game ends when you overflow the bottle. I did not play this game too much.

Borrowed Multiple Times

Zelda II, The Adventures of Link

This was one of my favorite games that I played at my Grandmother place.  This was the first NES game I ever played besides Super Mario Brothers.  I liked this game becuause it was an adventure type game that has side scrolling and an overworld map.  I have borrowed this game on a few occasions.  In 1993, this game went "Black Screen" forever.  I was playing this game and guessing Game Genie Codes and seeing what will happen.  The horrible happened to my Grandmothers copy of Zelda II, it stopped playing and showing a Black Screen when I turn it on.

I borrowed this game off Brian and Carolyn Barnett and it worked.


This was an interesting game that I borrowed off of Carolyn and Brian Barnett.  I have borrowed this game a few times.  I liked this game because it was an adventure based game where you buy keys, weapons, potions, etc.  When I played it for the first time, I did not know what to do.  Carolyn helped me get started with this game.  Once I am started, I am able to play the game and get to the second town.  I have borrowed this game a few times and my brother played this game with me and made it to the World of Mist.  I had a freak Out in the World of Mist because there's a witch that casts spell that causes the screen to flash.  I managed to play this game through to Dartmore with the Game Genie and I love the music.


In 1992, my father started renting games from Blockbuster Video in Newmarket.  He got some unique games and a few boring games.

Wall Street Kid (rental)

This is the first boring game I ever played.  My father rented this game from Blockbuster Video which opened in 1992.  Wall Street Kid is simulation game where you must get enough money to buy a castle.  The game entales you to buy and sell stocks on the NYSE.  When I saw the title of the game, I thought it was an adventure game where Wall Street Kid takes out enemies on Wall Street.  When I put the game on, I was very disappinted.

Uninvited (rental)

This is the first first person adventure game my father rented from Blockbuster.  The format of this game is similar to Shadowgate or Deja Vu: a Nightmare Comes TrueThis game is a Point and Click Game on the NES.  When I played it, I could not get past the ghost in the hallway.  When I click on it to go beyond it, I get killed and have to start again.  When my father played it, he used a spray called "No Ghost" to clear the ghost from the hallway.

My Father rented many games from Blockbuster and I got to play them.  Some of them I liked and some I did not.


Hook (rental)

I picked out Hook at Jumbo Video and played it.  I found this game difficult because there were many enemies and bodies of water takes life.  If you get game over, Tinkerbell can has enough pixie dust to grant two continues.  .

Mega Man 6 (rental X 2)

I rented Mega Man 6 when I found it on the shelf at Jumbo Video.  This was the third Mega Man game I rented in the series.  I loved the music of Plant Man, Blizzard Man, Tomahawk Man, and Knight Man because the tunes were catchy to my tastebuds.  I rented this game again in December 1994 and successfly finished it.


Ghoul School (rental)

In February, 1995 there was an ice storm that cancelled school and my Grandfather took me to Jumbo Video to rent a video game.  I picked out Ghoul School because it seemed interesting to play.  The music was great.  The game starts you off with a baseball bat as your default weapon.  In the cafeteria hallway, there are difficult Frankenstein monsters that move faster than you and it results in quick deaths.  I played this game with my brother and he finished the game.

Mega Man 5 (rental)

I rented Mega Man 5 from Jumbo Video when I spotted the title on the shelf.  I did not like this Maga Man title as much as Mega Man 6 because it was slightly too difficult at the time.  I punched in the password for Proto Man's Castle, and discovered that there was a large robot that shoots lasers and I found it difficult to get past.  This game had an OK soundtrack with some catchy music.  My favorite state was Gravity Man because you can either walk on the ceiling or the floor of the stage.  If you manage to collect all eight letters spelling "MEGA MAN V" you will get a robot bird named "Beat".  Beat is a familliar that will kill nearby enemies.

Mega Man 2 (rental)

I decided to rent Mega Man II a second time because I loved the music of the game.  I played it and used the password book I got from Nintendo Power to see the Skull Castle levels in the game.  I did not get too far in the first Skull Castle level and I gave it up.  I overly loved the game because it's music and game play.  I finally gotten over the Quick Man Beam Freak Out.

Mega Man (rental)

I rented this game from Jumbo Video in the summer of and had a hard time getting it going.  It took Blowing and cleaning the game and the NES due to the curse of Scott's Games.  I managed to finish the game with the help of the Game Genie.

Little Nemo: The Dream Master (rental)

This is another game I rented from Jumbo Video in the summer of 1994.  I got this game because I had secret codes that I could take a look at the levels in the game.

Final Fantasy (rental X 5)

Final Fantasy was one of my favorite Jumbo Video Rentals.  This is the first game that I rented multiple times between 1994 - 1996.  When I got this game, I did not know where to go at first.  I just wondered around and killed monsters and get killed.  Sometimes, I started a new quest and start fresh.  Once I got the hang of things, I was able to play.  My brother plays with me every time I got this game. 


Dragon Warrior IV (rental X 4)

This is the third RPG I ever played.  I got this game I was very interested in playing it.  When I got this game going, there was a Chapter 5 file and I wanted to start the game on the latest file because it had more weapons and more opportunities to freely explore.  On the first rental, I got pretty far and my grandfather said" Phil, Ed, Time to take our junk back."  When he said that, that means it was time to shut the game off and get ready to take it back to Jumbo Video.  I dreaded my grandfather to say that because I was quite into the game it I wanted more time to play on.  Back in 1995, you only rented the games only for one night at a time.  In July 1995, I successfly finshed Dragon Warrior IV with the help of my brother knocking out the final boss. 

Star Tropics 2, Zoda's Revenge (rental X 3)

In the summer of 1995, I rented Star Tropics 2 from Jumbo Video.  I like this game because it had great music and gameplay.  This game is based on collecting tetrads while traveling through time and space.  This game's had great music in the Western Gold Mine, Transylvania, and The Middle Ages.  I have rented this game three times over during the summer of 1995.  This was my last NES rental before I started renting SNES games in 1996

Refrences of Pictures

Final Fantasy Boxart, Wikipedia.org http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/d8/FF1_USA_boxart.jpg/250px-FF1_USA_boxart.jpg, September, 29, 2010

Dragon Warrior IV Boxart, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/6b/Dragon_Warrior_IV_Box_Art.jpg/220px-Dragon_Warrior_IV_Box_Art.jpg, September, 29, 2010

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